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Afternoon Teatime

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

The following is taken from my book, Conscious Afternoon Teas....A Girlfriend's Guide to Inner Peace.

Teatime, a spiritual time out

“The benefits of a spiritual journey are many. Tapping into your true nature; divine purpose, spiritual knowingness and intuition will become your most cherished gift.The soul reveals healing powers just by closing your eyes as you step out of one world and into another. Old beliefs are challenged. A metaphysical state takes over and life seems to change for the better. A profound sensitivity guides you to choose differently, as you eagerly step into a scared vortex where life has greater meaning.”

Some of us will spend a lifetime asking others for advice on our health problems, career choices, family issues, love, and spiritual purpose. We have forgotten that we have all the answers within ourselves. The time is now to create your own sacred "time out" and embrace an inner journey with a CUP OF TEA. Simply close your eyes, sip the tea, and discover a new reality.

Matcha Genmaicha Honey Cashew

Matcha is a traditional Japanese green tea that comes from the young leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. It is stemmed and steamed before being ground into a very find green powder. This tea is known for its high-quality antioxidants and considered to be a miracle elixir. Matcha is a powerful super food that can also be used in baking your favourite desserts or added to your morning smoothie.

Genmaicha is another Japanese tea known as brown rice tea. The rice was used as filler making it an affordable tea for all to drink. For this reason, the tea is called the people's tea. It has also been a popular choice for spiritual people who meditate and fast.

When the people's tea is combined with a high quality miracle elixir, expect a tasty and healthy experience. Your immune system will thank you. I further enhance this beautiful tea by adding a little manuka honey, frothed homemade cashew milk, and sprinkles of cinnamon. Now this is a real treat that can be served with a lemongrass teacake and the recipe can be found in my Afternoon Teas book.

Finding Stillness

“Close your eyes and breathe in the aroma of the tea. Have gratitude and feel a divine presence.”

Stilling the mind, emotions, and body is a task that can seem to take forever, especially if you are in a hurry. This sacred duty is not to be rushed. Every time you close your eyes to step into divine stillness, there is an opportunity to notice something more about yourself and your inner sacred journey.

Let's try

Begin by taking deep inhales and exhales through the nose. Make sure you are sitting in a comfortable position with a straight spine. Say a protective prayer of your own or one of mine, "Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo." Close your eyes and focus on the area between the eyebrows. Pay attention to your breath. When embracing stillness there are no expectations or rules. Set a kitchen timer for five minutes to experience your first meditation practice. With a little discipline, you will obtain great rewards.

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