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9 Transformational Steps to Healing…

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

You have just been diagnosed with a serious disease by your allopathic doctor. What should you do next?

To "Heal" is to make whole in contrast to "Treat," which is limited and short sighted.

1. Take a deep breath and go straight home or somewhere you feel safe. Right now you may feel powerless, but let me assure you that there is a way back to sanity. Keep breathing. Sit for a while in stillness, light a candle, and pray. Maybe it has been a while since you have spoken with God. Reflect on the diagnoses and keep your health concerns private for now. PLEASE note: When you share your illness with friends, it creates a vortex of more energy around illness, not wellness—and goes against the Universal Spiritual Laws. Learn to take the focus off that which you do not want to manifest. The only energy that will come from sharing sickness, yours, or someone else’s, is more FEAR of being sick. Believe it or not, this could jeopardize the self- healing process.

2. Avoid spending hours on the Internet researching a scary disease. Make up your mind that you will manifest wellness instead. Spend time looking for inspirational books on health and self-healing.

3. It is time to become discipline. For the next 3 months eat only organic/Bio fruits and vegetables. Allow yourself millet and quinoa grains once and a while. Drink 2 liters of clean, natural spring water daily—no caffeine, no sugar, (maple syrup is okay), no meat or eggs, no dairy, no bread, no processed foods, and of course no alcohol—and especially no toxic fear. The goal is to maintain a healing alkaline body and a peaceful mind. A product like Green Magma (barely greens) is a great powder supplement to drink first thing in the morning. Or try warm water with a fresh squeeze of lemon.

4. During these 3 months, write in a daily healing journal. Your body will start to naturally flush toxins and strong emotions will begin to surface— write about them. We seldom get involved in our own healing process, but now is the time. If you have been diagnosed with Cancer, look carefully at the anger, fear, shame, and guilt you have in your life. It may seem insignificant, but negative emotional energy and all negative thoughts (words in your head or coming out of your mouth) will eventually hurt the physical body. Try to quickly move through these powerful emotions by not resisting. Forgive yourself of old beliefs and those who have hurt you in any way. Release ALL negative energy from your mind/body. Your healing is a personal journey, so meditate, read, reflect, and pray as often as needed. Remember to rest.

5. At the end of the 3 months, make an appointment with a Naturopathic or Ayurvedic doctor who can recommend a licensed Hydrotherapist. Have at least 3 colonics and follow the suggested healing protocols.

6. Immediately, make another appointment with an intuitive healer. Make sure the healers you interview have been psychically gifted from birth, healed themselves of an illness, and helped others to do the same. Ask for recommendations from some of their clients. Once you have decided on the healer that is right for you, allow him or her to come into your home. Have the healer clear your living space—a healthy environment is required to self-heal. Since true healers have a high level of consciousness and a strong love for GOD (faith), they will be able to influence a powerful healing shift in you—this is how “healing” works.

7. Continue with the natural healing protocols and maybe you will not have to go back to your doctor. TRY to remember that most conventional physicians are trained pharmacologists and can’t naturally cure you, so my advice is to stop poisoning your body with excessive and expensive pharmaceutical drugs. Instead, help your body heal naturally as it was designed to do. Better yet, ask your doctor what he or she would do if one of their loved ones were in your shoes. I will tell you right now, many allopathic doctors are seeking alternative healing methods—I have personally help many.

8. The truth is that Only You and God can heal you. Gifted healers and trained medical doctors can influence better health; but you will always be the one responsible for your inner healing. We are so conditioned as a society when we have pain to go to a doctor for drugs to feel better and in some cases cut a piece of our body out. Any other healing method sounds foreign; however, if your life is on the line, it might be worth trying something new.

9. Suggestive reading: A Course in Miracles, by Foundation for Inner Peace, Healing and Recovery by David R. Hawkins MD, PhD., Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution, by Jyl Auxter-Kern PhD. Any self-healing book will be worth reading. Keep the focus on wellness and transmuting the illusion of illness. I know this all sounds impossible, but I have witnessed miracles— keep the faith. GOD Bless you.

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