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A Detox Master Class or A Detox Reset?

Updated: Jan 24

This morning while I was sipping my morning brew, I noticed an email coming in from a social media influencer showcasing a Safe Detox Master Class with a popular talent from Los Angeles. “Hum, I thought to myself, this podcast might be well worth an hour of my time.” Unfortunately, I soon would discover that the younger generation is no further along in creating a conscious and sustainable detoxed world as I had hoped.

The naturopathic doctor being interviewed for this podcast was knowledgeable, but extremely young in her journey as a doctor. She graduated from Trinity School of Natural Health in 2022, so she has been a doctor for less than a year and already an expert. The first part of the podcast was informative, but the same information was available 30 years ago. The expert shared many self-proclaimed facts on heavy metals and how they are all hurting our bodies: affecting our weight, sleep, and overall energy levels, which is true but pharmaceutical drugs do the same thing. As I continued to listen, I was really hoping for some new direction in cleansing, but instead, I could feel a false-bottom punchline coming. Sad to say, this new healer fell right into the same get rich mentality by offering a powdered supplement. Another unregulated supplement to save and detox the world, hum? The podcast continued by introducing a $50 a month powdered superfood cleansing supplement taken daily and receive a 10% discount for listening to the podcast. This felt unethically, and I was quickly turned off.

This particular detox program began by asking you to first pay a hundred dollars to get your hair follicle check for nasty heavy metal toxins. Over the 40 plus years of cleansing, I have never used this method, so I can’t speak to it. Since I color my hair, I am pretty sure my test results would come back unfavourable. However, my experiences over the years have shown that our bodies don’t want to be forced by a supplement into a constant daily cleanse mode. The truth is that the body does a great job detoxing all on its own.

Yes, we do live in an extremely toxic world full of heavy metals, pesticide, herbicides, radiation (cell towers) and many more unknown carcinogens. When I first started cleansing and helping others in the early 90s, I was conscious that we do our best to eat clean foods and try to take a weeklong, spiritual cleansing pilgrimage twice a year to help our bodies stay balanced. Plus, we are guardians of the planet and all of conscious actions count. Yes, we all have parasites, candida, cancer, and heavy metals in our bodies. The spiritual message is if toxins are creating an extreme imbalance (illness), you will intuitively know and must adjust your conscious awareness. We learn to co-exist with all toxic imbalances inside and outside the body. If you are tapped into a higher consciousness, you will realize that this is our new perfect for now, and we must surrender to the fact that our bodies will never be perfectly clean. They are however, being protected by the spirit world. A reset is required to change the negative thinking attached to toxins that we really have no control over. Instead, we must wake up to a higher spiritual frequency. By changing our frequencies, we have a better chance of influencing our toxic world.

If you meditate regularly, the spirit world will let you know if you must check your blood for deadly toxins. I try to instill in my clients that we must not give our power away. Learn to listen to the body. The problem with a $50-100.00 supplement every month is that most of us don’t need it even if the hair sample test comes back positive. Most online cleansing products combine several different types of healing herbs and you truly have no way of knowing which herbs work for your body. I recommend taking herbs like fresh burdock root, broccoli sprouts, and wheatgrass, one by one— separately. I believe it is much better to regularly muscle test each product before consuming. Every day, I ask my body if I need a particular supplement, or food and do not consume if my body test weak. Well, most of you know that I am a gifted psychic, so I don’t really need to muscle test, but I still ask the body. The problem becomes now that we have many so-called detox (doctor) experts selling so many cleansing supplements. These powdered supplements are not designed for all people to take willy-nilly, and my next question: Is this truly the best direction for the future? Or do we totally need a detox reset?

A reset in cleansing may require that we address the core problems—the toxins themselves. How can we each become worldly stewards and be responsible for our contributions to a cleaner and safer world—it may be time to put down the cell phones, cigarettes (second hand smoke), and toxic bug sprays. Bottom-line, the informercial, slash podcast, slash master class left a bad taste in my mouth. I really think it is unethical to have doctors design their own supplements and get away with selling them online, yet so many do. I want to encourage all of us to stay away from processed powdered supplements and instead, learn to eat fresh organic REAL food when cleansing the body. During the whole one-hour master class this young doctor mentioned all these interesting cool herbs and foods that most of you can’t pronounce or buy locally, but never once mentioned an APPLE. An apple a day keeps the doctor away— still holds true in my book, especially when cleansing the liver. I eat a beautiful organic/bio apple every day in my smoothie. It clears and cleans the liver, plus it is a great source of fiber. Processed—prepackaged, frozen, and powdered can’t compare to organic fresh foods properly grown—EAT THE APPLE and stop worrying about harsh heavy metals because they will be leaving your body simply by eating different foods—try an apple and focus your attention on loving your liver instead.

One final comment: In America, sometimes I feel we make health and wellness so sterile and clinical. We can quickly get in our heads about healing and staying balanced. In other words, we make it so hard when all we need to do is be discipline and eat clean foods and deeply cleanse twice a year. All my experiences in India with Ayurvedic medicine has led me appreciate a totally new and more spiritual approach to cleansing the mind, body, and soul. If Ayurvedic doctors refer to any cleansing product it is Triphala and this is the only product I would ever recommend.

Cleansing over time for the mystics is simple: think the word balance and the body immediately reacts. This is a high consciousness cleanse. However, if you choose to keep the focus of a toxic world alive then there may be big health concerns down the road. Spiritually clear the mind and the body clears itself. Do your best to help detox the world with sustainable actions. It is really that simple.


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of An Evolution

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