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A Message from Your Yard…

Updated: Jul 2

“Hi, I am your tattered, mineral depleted front yard. If you are thinking about using chemical weed killer and pesticides this spring —Don’t Do It! I can’t take it anymore. The bees, butterflies, wasps, birds, and even the bunnies have confided in me that they get harmed every time chemicals are placed into the air and onto me—your unhappy, but loyal yard.”

 Words of Wisdom: What the world ignores as a weed is of beauty equal to that of the flower. The living-sculpture design of all nature is equal, without classification, and everything is realized to be of the same merit or worth. All is an expression of Divity as creation—all is equally sacred and holy. Daily Reflection from Dr. David R. Hawkins

Meet my new friend Catri, an Italian who has made Germany his home. Like me, we are both immigrants, passionate about plants and crusaders for a healthier environment. Catri maintains the landscaping in my neighborhood and does an amazing job delicately, pulling weeds by hand from the flower beds. I couldn’t resist chatting with him the other day. I had a good sense we were on the same page regarding chemical use on plants.

In the video, Catri is telling me that Germany is a no spray country—it is illegal to spray in residential areas (farmers do have access to chemicals). He goes on to say that Spain and Holland still actively spray toxins as do other countries around the world. Have a listen:

The USA (my mother country) is one the biggest and most influential countries, yet continues to allow toxic run off chemicals into its natural springs, lakes, rivers, and oceans. PFAS, a cocktail of the most deadly toxins is continually found in drinking (tap) water throughout the USA. Roundup weed killer is very popular in the states and still heavily used every spring. In places like Florida, fogging (chemical spraying) mosquitos has caused an extreme imbalance in the natural ECO system. In my latest book, Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution, I offer more details and touch on some important health concerns.

For the last 16 years, I have been fortunate to live overseas. It feels to me like the air, water, and food quality is energetically cleaner. When I travel back to Florida, USA and see my neighbors spraying chemicals in their yards with no concerns about their health, the health of their neighbors, or the health of the planet, I want to scream. I know Harry Auxter, my German—American grandfather would rollover in his grave. His farming family immigrated from Germany to the USA. What I remember about my grandad is that he practiced sustainable farming and would not agree with all this chemical warfare on our land, food, and water.

To stress this issue further—hubby and I were walking early one morning when I noticed a sign in the middle of a lush meadow. See below and read it for yourself. The English translation means that this meadow is to be honored for the insects. This blew my mind to think that there were bright yellow signs reminding people to respect the small and defenseless creatures of this planet. Such safe practices should be implemented all over the world. We need our insects. They play such an important role in supporting the planet.  

At times, most of us must feel totally helpless when we want to impact a healthier world and influence others to do the same. Being indifferent about pollution is disgraceful. Let's try to be cursaders for a cleaner and more balanced planet.


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution


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