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A World of perception or truth...Where do you live?

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

The theme of metaphysical work is to help others discover truth, so they can live authentic lives. Before we were born, our souls were aware of our reincarnated life contracts: karma (good or bad), mission, purpose, lessons, and dates/time of our brith and death. We then go through the birthing process and through the veil of forgetting, only to spend the rest of our years trying to survive as we figure out the mysteries of each day. Most of us learn and live in the World of Perception (duality) based on interpretation and not facts—a world purely based on our own internal frame of reference (reality). We live with our little selves in tact seeking to enhance external approval, external possessions and external love. The World of Perception is the world of time, of change, of beginnings and ends. It is a World of birth and death founded on belief in scarcity, loss, separation, and is learned rather than given. This World is selective, unstable, inaccurate, and only conforms with the wishes of the perceiver.

However, Knowledge is truth or the Law of Love or GOD (non-dual). The World of Truth doesn’t offer opposites, beginnings and ends. Our higher Selves need nothing, and know that the World of Truth is available to all of us if we have the courage to seek the GOD within ourselves. We must listen to our internal GOD voice. How does this happen?

Inner Truth is an internal energy that awakens naturally and always at the right time. From personal experiences and my understanding of the work of others in the field of consciousness, Major Awakenings are not random. A person can count on at least one by the age of 25-35, another around 50-60 and a final one at 90. These awakenings can be tough if we are still listening to the World of Perception and not to our inner GOD voice.

Enlightenment is what we all unconsciously seek; however, it is up to each of us to consciously decide where we will live.

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