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ABC Healing Method

Updated: Sep 14, 2023

A=Acceptance, B= Beyond, C=Connection

We are always choosing a healing method to handle our health concerns. Do we head toward diagnoses, medications, surgeries, or do we roll up our sleeves, move into the pain (yes, I mean pain), release the old emotions behind the pain, and cure ourselves? I indeed sound like a broken record when it comes to healing the mind, body, spirit connection. Maybe it is because I continue to tread a fine line between what is and what could be. I am extremely hopeful for any positive changes ahead in healthcare and our personally empowered self-healing journeys.

First, something we should consider is that in the 1600s, medicine drastically changed from— a spiritual, church-based healing, with prayer and herbal remedies, to the current system—treating the body as a machine with parts to be examined by trained specialists (mechanics) and plenty of powerful inorganic drugs to comply with each diagnoses. Some would say the changes in the 17th century were vital to the advancement of medicine, while people like me might look at this “for profit” change as a greedy move and a ghastly affliction against humanity. This new system would go down in history as one known to make an elite family with plenty of pre-existing wealth, even richer. The unconscious backstory for this change was to make as much money as possible off the sick.

Unfortunately, here we are in 2023, and still operating in the same fashion. It is time to push for positive changes. These changes are up to each of us, and it can start happening today by the choices we make. Do we continue to only pick the insurance-based healthcare program? Or can we actively get involved in our health/healing and choose a more natural approach and self-heal? As a medical medium, I personally wouldn’t go into the frequency of hospitals/care centers. Instead, natural healers should start to become a trusted “first line” health and healing expert in a more sacred environment—Wow, here we are, back to the church-based ways of the of past—giggle.

Some healers would join the current healthcare systems if they were allowed. There are so many of us (psychic healers) who are available and willing to be of service, but unsure as to how to move into the mainstream. It is time to legitimise ourselves (since there is no consciousness research available to prove our gifts) and create sacred sanctuaries throughout the world. Gifted healers were born to do spiritual healing work—we are real— just as real as any doctor, just ask our clients. In the US and around the world, many Christians believe in the teachings and healings of Jesus Christ. The Christ energy is here now and flows through many of us. It continues to break my heart, as I watch the people I love, choose to be guinea pigs for the current Western Care (third leading cause of death in the USA), when they could have empowered themselves to truly heal with a gifted spiritual healer.

The WHOLE TRUTH behind healing: At higher levels of consciousness, we start to accept that the mind, ego and our belief systems are the key reason for our illness, pain and suffering. We are subject only to what we hold in our minds. The mind is powerful and people have a hard time to grasp this concept, thus making it difficult to heal. No one tells us to pay attention to our minds and yet, it runs our lives.

Curing the body with the simple ABC method works if you are involved with Western Care protocols or empowering yourself with an alternative approach. Apply this method to basic wounds — all the way up to curing a disease. Miracles are part of this process and there is never a miracle too large to manifest with the ABC healing method.

A= Acceptance. Learn to accept what is happening in your life and know that you can make it through the challenges ahead. There are no mistakes in the universe. Remember, you are not alone, and the spirit world is there to support you. Accept that there needs to be some important life (mind) changes helping you to move through your health issues. Keep reminding yourself that change is good, and it promotes personal and spiritual growth. At a deep level, accept that your lifestyle or karma has created an unbalanced condition, and only you can uncreate it by transmuting your consciousness.

B=Beyond. Transmutation means to go beyond your old self and timeworn beliefs. It is a time to allow a fresh and higher aspect of your consciousness to co-exist. Go beyond your comfort zone and try another way of being. Your distractions, addictions and emotional wounds need to be transmuted, so you can fully recover. This recovery may continue on throughout your life. Learn to get beyond the limiting beliefs because it is critical to moving forward. Traveling beyond your old stories, may require a rebirth. A rebirth will lead you to inner peace, perfect heath, and total joy.

C=Connection. Your rebirth starts with learning to connect to the Christ Consciousness. This may be a very new concept to adapt; however, I assure you that core cures come only when you rely on Christ. If Christ Consciousness are scary words and you can’t relate, then please refer to this connection in relatable terms. The spiritual presence that is constantly around you will be thrilled to finally have you awakened and on board, so the miracles can begin to happen. Consciousness healing can be a lonely road, so find a spiritual teacher, coach, or healer to walk with you on your higher frequency path.

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Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

This photo of a lighthouse is taken on the Northern Sea, Germany.

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