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Accepting Our Differences

Updated: Aug 28

The Conscious Afternoon Teas book all began with a yoga class, a simple prayer, and my personal interest to help women expand their spiritual lives.

The evening yoga class was just about to begin. All the students were in their proper places and stood strong at the head of their sticky mates. Hands were at the heart in Namaste, and the Hindu invocation was just about to commence when suddenly, a little whimper came from the middle of the studio, “I can’t say this prayer; it is against my religion."

As we evolve our consciousness, it becomes easier to share a peaceful existence with others and ourselves. Yet, nothing is more frustrating than trying to have a spiritual conversation with religious interruptions. We hear the word spiritual, and our minds immediately run back to our religious upbringing. Unfortunately, for some, this may not be a positive experience. In the end, we often fail to understand the greater mystical opportunity being presented. In that precious moment, we are being offered a unique chance to expand our hearts.

We don’t usually consider yoga a form of religion or spirituality. It's regarded simply as a healthy method for stretching—a basic form of exercise. However, many of us have used yoga to evolve our consciousness and are able to identify the sacredness of the practice. If done with discipline, the years will stake up, as the brain chemistry literally changes its frequency toward abundance of love, acceptance, and God/nondual.  We now move through the world stronger and consciously wiser. The peacefulness from yoga, deep Ujjayi breath, and meditation is something that yogis desperately want others to understand and welcome into their lives. Often the unconscious world avoids the challenging personal and spiritual work involved with this discipline. It saddened me to say, that the hard work gets in the way of producing more consciously advance students, so the planet stays asleep. Our ego continues to use yoga as a competitive workout and a way to show off our latest Lululemon sportswear.

Take a moment and breathe deeply. Have you noticed that it feels like the people of the world are working against one another? It is time to understand that we are being manipulated at a very deep and dark level. The hate in the Middle East is so thick it can be cut with a knife. The war between Ukraine and Russia is a darkness that none of us should be exposed to, yet it continues. And what wicked nonsense (fascists out—drive them out!???) is happening right now in Great Britian? Remember only love can combat evil and if you can’t open the heart and spread love, then just stop. Your well-meaning actions will only manifest more madness. I will assure you that the entities at the core of this chaos do NOT practice yoga or any spiritual discipline. Evil is not of yoga or God. It is just greed, power-hungry induced corruption—pure malevolence. Attention yogis: It is time to shine our inner lights and become the enlightened ones and save the planet from the people destroying it. AND for anyone who wants to join in the fight, please don't. Instead, stay at home, off the streets, and with your head bowed in prayer. Your sacred inner light is the only defense against evil.

…After the yoga class in the story above, the yoga student privately shared with me that when she was asked to pray it really challenged her religious beliefs. She truly had no idea yoga could be anything other than an exercise program and her Christian religion restricted her from participating in other religious prayers or rituals. Without judging the young student’s journey as right or wrong, let’s open our hearts and minds. I guess it is time to serve tea.

Conscious Afternoon Teas is a girlfriend’s guidebook to metaphysics and the perfect cup of tea. Nine tea parties, filled with mystical facts and playful trivia, are the foundation for creating a calming moment to explore, heal, and grow. Expect unique and healthy dessert recipes, exotic therapeutic teas, teatime tune-up yoga and healing essential oils to compliment each tea party. This small timeless book is a thoughtful and spot-on gift for a loving sister. The hardcover version is a real keepsake. If you are looking for a special gift for a favorite friend, you have found it. Now influence others to party with a sacred purpose.

Thank you for your support and please, enjoy the book.

Blessings and much love,

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD.

Medical Medium & Mystic

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution


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