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Updated: Aug 22

We are all ADDICTIVE humans at some elysian level. Maybe we aren’t addicted to hard core drugs or alcohol, but certainly to softer addictions like adoration and approval—just check your social media feeds.

This blog highlights two important themes from "Get High on a Higher Vibration" book: 1. Finding new healthy highs once the drugs and alcohol are gone. 2. Shifting toxic abusive relationships into love—the higher frequency.

Get High. Getting high or should I say “feeling good” is a universal essential. Most of us want to quickly overcome fear, worry, shame, sadness, and depression. Often harsh emotions can lead to substance abuse. Hopefully our addictions don't have to destroy our lives. If we get the opportunity to rehabilitate and take away the dangerous street and pharmaceutical drugs, and alcohol, there is an immediate imbalance of energy. As the cocaine leaves the cells, the body may reach for more caffeine and nicotine to soothe the cravings. Sex now becomes a new addiction, along with sugar, rage, and the need for chaos. People who have karmic propensities toward addictions most likely will struggle their entire lives to find a healthy balance. Many of these people are truly unconscious of their destructive behavioral patterns.

The deadliest of all highs is when an addict attacks (knowingly or unknowingly) another person’s life force. The people most harmed by this compulsion are the ones closest to the addict: parents, grandchildren, spouses, children, and siblings—thus creating more future karma for the addict. This dangerous habit can cause illness to the person being energetically attacked. It is a serious enough condition to be recognized by the DSM-5 as a major psychological disorder and requires intense work with a professional therapist. Awareness is key for the addict to heal and make better “feel good” choices. Learning to surrender, then becomes a critical component for moving forward.

Shifting toxic relationships. Everyone on the planet has wounds; however, some of us have deeper karmic connections to those wounds. If karmic wounds are not cleared, we simply come back, life after life, to work through them and usually with the same soul group. One thing I have noticed when I started working with addiction is that women were always first to come forward to tell me that their husbands abused them and that is why they left the relationship. Let me just interject by saying that some of the fiercest creatures on this planet are women, especially when drugs and alcohol are involved. I tell my clients that as they point their finger outwardly toward the abuser; pay attention that there are three fingers pointing back. I always suggest to my clients that it may be a good time to dig deep and do some personal and spiritual work—soul searching.

People with a higher consciousness usually do not manifest lower frequency addicts into their lives. It’s impossible due to the laws of the universe. One law for example is The Law of Group, which says, we are vibrationally connected to each other through thoughts, words, and feelings. So, ours partners are simply a mirror image of our own consciousness. There are NO mistakes and if we want to change our flawed partners (Ex-partners), we must first start by changing ourselves.

Some people divorce and simply continue their journey by manifesting more abusive and addictive partners to heal their wounds. If 50% of all marriages end in divorce, it may be due to marrying too quickly and leaving the minute the going gets rough. What if we took time to grow up first and heal compulsive behaviours. All of us will be asked to learn the tough life lessons. As we truly do the work to spiritually evolve and heal ourselves, everyone around us heals. I believe this is why certain religions shy away from divorce. It is not because the church wants people to endanger themselves by staying in unhealthy relationships. It is because they understand all relationships are sent by God/higher Self to help us grow.

When karma has been lifted, and it is time to move forward, our hearts will overflow with love for the difficult person or addict. If not, we are still harboring negative feelings or triggers. However, if we can get beyond the imprints of hate, the healed version of "Self" no longer is affected by the addict. We no longer crave addiction, abuse, anger, and chaos. ATTENTION: This takes A LOT of work and much self love.


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Medical Medium & Mystic

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution.

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