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Are You a Natural Healer?

Updated: Aug 27

…It was purely by accident that I started to feel the chakras (energy fields) of others in my own body. It took years until I discovered that I was feeling people’s energy centers and then had the courage to offer on-the-spot healings. Often it felt like my energy was up for grabs to anyone crossing my path. I would feel a stomachache and then realize it was the pain of the person standing next to me. Currently on the planet, we are jumping into a much higher frequency, which means many more people will have enhanced psychic and intuitive abilities. I want to prepare and empower everyone for the changes ahead. Taken from Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution.

A mother who intuitively places her hands on a sick child would be considered a natural healer. If the brain signals to place your hands on any bodily pain, you are also a healer. At some conscious level, most of the world is set up to heal in this fashion. If your consciousness sways toward “Service to Others,” then you are a natural healer who feels compelled to help your fellow humans. This simply means you can show empathy, love, and compassion to yourself and others. However, you might be more self-oriented and have a stronger constitution toward great ambitions and worldly gains. In other words, you are “Service to Self.” In this case, healing others for a higher spiritual achievement may not be your life’s mission. How do you determine if you have a therapeutic purpose and healing hands?

People who are natural healers have hands that immediately heat up. Healing hands may even change colors. My hands, for instance, go from a milky tan skin tone to blotchy pink and dark red hues. A sure sign of a natural healer is a person with hands that are capable of running energy. These healers have middle fingers that are bent or crooked. The energy is so strong that the nail on this finger grows under. This phenomenon usually occurs on both hands.

Healing hands are very sensitive and may often hurt (ache), especially if there is an unbalanced person standing near who needs a healing. Most healer’s hands won’t be able to touch 5G gadgets—cell phones give off uncomfortable electrical surges. The strangest thing is some healers’ hands won’t be identified as a human touch when they try to use elevators, computers, and other electrical equipment. Their frequency is spiritually prominent and heightened. This is a sure sign that an awakening into a higher density has begun. Relax—this is called soul evolution. Congratulation, if this is happening for you.  

There is nothing more enjoyable than having a warm pair of loving hands balancing your physical, astral, and causal bodies. If you have ever experienced Reiki or other forms of energy medicine, you know how powerful just one treatment can be to restore a tired, broken-down body. Wellness encourages loving touch and a deep massage is sure to immediately flush out the old toxins and make you feel better.

If you are sensitive and feel other people’s energy within your own body, HELLO HEALER. We need all healers on deck and ready to support a world in need. Being successful in the healing business means that your personal healing and spiritual journey have been completed on some significant level. You now are available to dedicate yourself to become a full-time, pure conduit for source (God) energy. The spiritual world is waiting for all healers to join in—even the ones who have gotten lost along the way.

In a time where pharmaceutical drugs and surgeries are the general narratives for treating physical symptoms and only, medical doctors are used for health and wellbeing, there is a critical need for a RESET. I wrote Upside Down because I could no longer tolerant a sleeping world where people refuse to see beyond the illusions. Please wake up, especially gifted healers. It is time to come forward and be seen. The world requests your presence.

Use this blog as a friendly reminder to find perfect health with a pair of sacred healing hands.


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD.

Medical Medium & Mystic

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution

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