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Cancer…A Springboard to Spiritual Awakening

Updated: Aug 2

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.

Taken from his book Healing and Recovery

“The first thing to understand about cancer or any serious illness is that the purpose of this major confrontation is to help us grow and grow as fast as we can because terminal illnesses are time sensitive. If the mind thinks an illness is fatal and terminal it will be so, subject, however to karmic destiny.”

I have been honoured throughout the years to have worked with some amazing cancer survivors. These people empowered themselves and quickly found their inner healer and healed. Most came seeking nutritional advice and soon realised that cleansing and consuming clean, compatible foods would only be a small portion of the work we would do together. With each new client, I would immediately ask the spirit world if the person was preparing to transition back home or was I to support the transmutation of the cancer for a longer life. I would then ask the clients on the first meeting if they were planning on leaving or staying. If they said they wanted to stay, then I instantly asked them to take back their power. Victimhood, self-pity, hopelessness, or blaming the cancer on something outside themselves would only slow the process down. It takes real commitment and courage to transmute and heal.

As a medical medium, I see beyond the medical model being used today. The body (cells) is not the problem and did not create the cancer. As I begin to rifle through people’s lives examining all the dark corners: fear, guilt, shame, self-hatred, and anger; I realise why they have created suffering along with cancer. Awareness is the key to self-healing. But the patient must decide whether he or she is greater than the physical body experience. It is within the power of consciousness that a person can call forth the self-healer within. People can recover from just about any disease known to mankind. However, there is a difference between treating, curing, and healing. Treating is relieving a symptom; curing is overcoming the disease; healing includes the whole person-body, mind, spirit. Healing depends on accepting that with God’s help, a person has the power to make the decision to go through the necessary inner transformational work to bring about a total self-healing miracle.

I forecast within the next 5 to 10 years that allopathic medicine's ferocious cancer treatments currently used today will be completely eliminated. The body itself did not cause the cancer, so it can't be treated there. The cure will be found within in the field of conscious awareness. The collective consciousness currently surrounding cancer is troubling and that is probably the single most reason why we are unable to help more people. These days there is so much debilitating fear surrounding this disease (death sentence), and most people feel their only option is allopathic medicine—surgery, chemo, and radiation. When allopathic medicine admits there is no longer anything they can do for the body, it is time for an updated healing approach. Below are a few items to keep in mind as you take back your power and self-heal.

  • Diet is important for supporting and maintaining physical balance. However, the real healing magic is in having the courage to shift the suppressed negative energy in your life into healthy positive energy. Keep in mind, the minute you give your healing power away to an outside source you could be stepping into a negative energy field. Learn to stay true to your intuitive self and self-heal.

  • Muscle testing is critical. Muscle test all medications that the doctor has prescribed as well as all treatment protocols being offer. If all answers are within the body, straighten and lift one arm shoulder height and have another person lightly press to test for a weakness or strength. For example, hold the medication in one hand and have the person lightly press down on the other arm while resisting. If the body goes weak (the arm drops down easily), stay away from that particular drug/medication. To be able to understand and trust applied kinesiology or muscle testing is a sign of true empowerment.If muscle testing doesn't work for you, find someone who is skilled and can test you. The time is now to stop giving your power away.

  • Create a new sense of awareness by journaling and fearlessly confronting scary emotions. Have the courage to step away from your current painful situation. Get out of bed and away from the “I’m sick mode.” Shift the energy and find a joyful, sacred place to heal, even if it means going to an outside healing bath. Hang around happy people. Watch happy movies where you can belly laugh. Cancer is not a death sentence, unless you feel you need to suffer for something you have done. Please don't become your illness and expeditiously try to find your way out of the cancer nightmare that has been created. Be grateful to be able to learn some lessons and thrive.

  • Prayer is power. Pray and thank God for the cancer and for the opportunity to clean up your life. It is truly a time to get to know your true self. During your prayer time, see in your mind’s eye (eyes are closed and looking up at the middle of your forehead) all cells surrounding the cancer being transmuted and restructured. Let the healing begin as you clear the mind and create a peaceful, loving moment.

  • Meet people who have healed themselves from cancer. In Frankfurt, Germany I often received hydrocolonic (flushing) therapy from a young gal who healed herself from cancer. She used colonics for detoxing her body and this helped her heal. If you are in a total funk, reach out to people who have healed themselves. Seek out holistic treatments. Yoga is such a powerful detox and healing discipline. Start a yin yoga class. If nothing else it will calm your nervous tension.

Changing our belief systems make a huge difference in our lives. If we think only medical doctors have all the answers, then follow their protocols, but maybe add some holistic self-healing options. In my mind, healing is quite simple, but it takes courage to follow the road less traveled because we are so conditioned by our world to do otherwise. Self-healing is simple because it simply amounts to changing the predominant energy field. We change our consciousness from repressed and suppressed negative energy to a positive and loving force. Love heals all.


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

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