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Clearing Old Energy

Updated: Feb 1

As we leave 2023 and begin to move into the heart space energy of 2024, it will be extremely important to clear our homes of negative, old, and stagnate energies. A simple clearing will shift all energies and support our personal expansion for the upcoming year. The beginning of a new year is always the best time for cleansing a home. Then it will be up to all of us to remember to practice good energy hygiene throughout the rest of the year.


Before listening to the “How to Video,” I want you to take a moment to reflect upon the year 2023. Grab a pen and paper to create a list. Think about the types of people who have entered your home, the places where most of your visitors hung out, and areas where harsh or angry words might have been spoken. Write them down on your paper. Next, notice if there were outside workers in the house remodeling or changing the environment, add them to your list. This may seem a bit morbid, but if someone got hurt, had an illness, or died in the house, also include this information. Lastly, think about the location of your home and list any quirky qualities. Every person, event, emotional upheaval, and even the location and design of the house will leave an energy imprint. We are going to work with these imprints to free stagnate energies from further disturbing any peace of mind.


Start to think of your home as a reflection of your own body. As a longtime medical medium, I sense people’s surroundings based on their healing profiles. From a distance, I can connect with people’s health issues and sometimes it means telling them to get their house in order—literally. When we shift energies in the home, we shift blocked energies in the body. It is easy to do and takes very little time; however, most of us are so attached to the self-made clutter that it is hard to relinquish and let go. Stagnate energy affects us in a huge way. Some of us are very stubborn to let go of our energy junk or OUR STUFF that is really holding us back from excelling and moving forward in life.

Lastly, if any of you are moving into a new house (someone’s old home)—please remember it is critical to claim your space by clearing the past owner’s energy imprints. The same applies if you are trying to sell your home. The more you can delete the old imprints, the sooner the property will sell. Always remember to clear all personal items from the dwelling before putting your home on the market to sell.


The video below will demonstrate how to clear your home. It doesn’t matter if you use a sage stick like our American Indian ancestors or shamans did. Maybe you prefer using a higher sound frequency like a tuning fork (528 Hz). Using a frequency of 528 Hz will not only change the vibration of the house in a positive way but repair the cells in your entire body. Prayer is much more personal, yet works well to heighten the energy as you clear old frequencies. If you like to sing, then may I suggest you do so, as you smudge each room with the sage stick or tuning fork. If burning sage is too offensive for sensitive lungs, I will show you how easy it is to create your own room spray using the essential oil of sage along with other favorite oils. If you have a diffuser, then use the mist of essential oils to keep the energy cleared throughout the day. In the end, your intentions are key to a successful cleansing experience. And trust me when I say, your house will feel so different. Oh, and I forgot to mention in the video to open a window or door after you have fully smudged your home. This will free the old energy. Also, don’t forget to use a small bowl or plate under the lit sage stick. Please be mindful not to start any fires. 

A final reminder, we are all just ENERGY. I have been screaming this message at the top of my lungs for the last forty years. I assure you that this will be the year to powerfully adapt higher consciousness. It is time to grow and evolve. We are all master Metaphysicians this year and grounding greater truths within the world. And so, it. If anyone needs more information on clearing your house or if you are interested in a private healing, please send me an email:


Blessing and love,

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution





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