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CORE…Clearing Our Raw Emotions

Updated: Feb 8

Surname (Core Identity)

The surname Auxter can be interpreted as a symbol of personal growth, resilience, and development.Whereas the surname Kern is found in German, Yiddish, Jewish (Ashkenazic), and Dutch, meaning grain or core.

Ever since I can remember it has been my “gift” as a healer to be able to quickly identify a person's core health issues. Even my surnames or family names have recognized me as a person who honors growth and core healing. Clients say my healing work is robust. The right person will take a medical medium’s feedback with a grain of seriousness. Unfortunately, many individuals these days are not wired for this level of consciousness—not yet at least. The future however, shows another reality.

Healers like me with a similar gift tend to lose clients, friends, and even family members over intense psychic downloads. We open our mouths, and out comes probably the most invaluable health information (truth) a person will ever hear; yet the words can be a crushing blow to the "ego persona." I always thought my clients wanted to heal—wanted to know a greater truth; however, it turns out fear kept them stuck. In a few cases, there seemed to be a personal payoff by staying sick.  

The missing piece for most folks during a healing exchange is to remember that spiritual healers don’t grab willy nelly information from the ethers. The Core (Clearing Our Raw Emotions) that is being intuitively shown comes directly from the spirit world. My God voice is directing all incoming data, right down to who I can take as a client. I have done remote healings with all kinds of people: nonreligious, a little spiritual —all the way to the most devout Orthodoxy. Custom energy healing is a good match for anyone looking to consciously evolve.

Core Issues. Core health issues are linked to raw emotional triggers. It is when someone’s words go directly to the foundation of your personhood, and it feels like a dagger to the heart. When this happens, you have found the core area and theme to your health issues. Running away, from the inner fires that start to ignite, feels like the right thing to do. At that point, finding self-protection away from your trigger is the only thing that matters; however, probably not the healthiest option if you want to move forward on a healing journey.

Raw emotional triggers are seldom considered when we are in pain. Nevertheless, to me the emotions behind a person’s knee, hip, shoulder, back, or neck problems are quite significant. The medical community will announce that heart attacks are a result of a defective organ. I say heart attacks are emotional “love” traumas. The core issue of cancer is usually emotional and karmically based. So, you see, understanding your triggers or core wounds are part of the evolution of the soul. In time, we will all be asked to dig deep to resolve our emotional upheavals.

It might be meaningful to move into a new year with a fresh perspective. Review your life and write down times you found yourself triggered by what someone has said. Notice if these situations form a pattern. If you were triggered by a healer or a loved one, try to remember the conversation and what provoked the need to run away—become irrational, unhinged, and unable to show restraint. Maybe this year you become a little more conscious of your raw emotional health.

For those of you who are healers, I have much compassion for the you and the work being done. We light workers have signed up for a commanding spiritual mission and the tough health conversations. My advice to you, healer is to stay close to God and pray. When you fear your work is no longer important—keep going. Remember, working with CORE wounds can be challenging, but it is by far the most critical work being done on this planet.

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Medical Medium

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution

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♡ this at so many levels! Thank you Jyl!

I share the experience of creating a healing space for those open to the tough emotional work necessary to facilitate physical healing and also losing clients who are stuck for a variety of reasons.

I find those open to exploring their triggers and core wounds the individual who find the freedom to continue their healing journey.

Grateful for this important topic and dialog.

Namaste' dear Jyl 🙏

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Thank you KIm. I thought I had responded but it appears. not. I guess we do the best we can with the people to do want to do the hard work. Stay safe sister—love always, Jyl

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