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Dismantling Our PAIN

Updated: Oct 26, 2023

In my latest book, Upside Down… The Rise of an Evolution, I point out the upside-down aspects of our world as I try to describe our current reality—the 3rd Density (D). This book is trying to help us become aware that the world we live in is a lower frequency and to prepare us for a shift in consciousness to the 4th Density; it is happening whether we like it or not. Humans don’t like to do the consciousness (spiritual) work that we were designed to do, so we all need a fire under our butts—call it disease, pandemic, family problems, bad relationships, divorce, being fired, an accident, or anyone of the many popular addictions. In other words, our pain (physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual) is being ignored, and it is time to understand why we have created it in the first place. Yes, indeed we are responsible for our life's dramas and pain. It is time to release this "painful normal" and use it instead to propel us forward.

In the 3D, our pain is shame, guilt, anger, fear, all generated by the EGO/mind. If you sit for a moment, try to move into your fear—political, tribal—family relationships, and social economical. In the United States, I have heard that people are so fearful that they have to resort to buying a gun for protection. What? This action is not aligning up with a higher frequency, but it is the 3D and our current world status. We focus so much on fear that we create more of it, and then try to justify it in our lives. This is the energy that we are preparing to shift AWAY FROM, and we must begin to dismantle the 3D by starting to live without fear. We are headed toward the consciousness of the 4D where there is no fear, and it has been replaced by love. Love and fear can't co-exist. If you are stuck in fear, you will stay stuck or asleep in the 3D.

Currently, most of the people on planet Earth are asleep. If you are dealing with a disease this means your body is trying to get your attention and you are being forced by your higher Self (soul-self) to awaken. It is nonnegotiable, so let’s do the work to wake up. What exactly does it mean to be asleep? The following quote has been taken from an amazing book I am now reading call Dismantling the 3rd Dimension…Transforming our Trauma on the Road from Tribe to Collective:

Dismantling the 3rd Dimension

By Antonia

To be asleep is to be stuck in thinking, feeling, or behaving as if your discomfort is you. It is believing all the stories you have told yourself about why you’re in pain. It’s believing the pain and trauma stories your mind engages in all the time. Contrary to what our minds tell us, because we are addicted to our 3D pain, our egos make us hold on to it, identify with it, and construct realities around it.

I totally agree with Antonia when she says, we create super busy lives, so we can avoid the work (consciousness) that needs to be done. And if you ask someone about their pain bodies, they will look at you like you have three heads. Pain? What pain? Antonia writes, “I am (we are) so busy, and what I (we) do is so important. Our 3D economy depends on this type of sleep state. And so does your ego.”

In the 3D world, we have fallen in love with our pain or ego. It is critical we start now to take this matter a little more seriously, do a conscious inventory, and start to awaken on our beautiful journey to the 4D consciousness. The longer we procrastinate, the greater the chance we will manifest more pandemics, fear, hatred, disease, and abuse on this planet. Stay in the lower frequency if you need, but only long enough to do the spiritual work by examining your pain. Learn to sit with them, All of them. Move into all your fears and pain, then LOVE them like your life depends upon it, because it does. Love is the only salvation and the goal is to see pain as a legacy and not a reality.


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of An Evolutio

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