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Dry Skin Brushing for Detoxification

Spring Cleaning for the Mind, Body, and Soul…


Most of us remember to daily brush our hair and teeth, but usually not the skin. Not unless you are an experienced cleanser who embraces seasonal detoxes. The skin is the largest organ of the body and will deeply be affected by any dietary detox. We all have good intentions to properly cleanse; however, I guarantee most of us will forget to make time to dry brush the skin. This blog offers helpful tips on brushing for detoxification.


Make sure to brush in places that are often avoided—under the arms, behind the knees, unreachable areas on the back, and feet. The lymph nodes are significant health areas to stimulate. Our lymph glands are in the head, neck, chest, armpits, groin, and abdomen and should be brushed properly— toward the heart. The skin on the front of the neck and face can be sensitive, so switch to a softer brush or a washcloth for these more delicate areas.


Dry brushing is then followed by an oil massage. Pick your favorite oil—coconut, sesame seed, or olive oil. A large tablespoon should be enough. Place a small amount in your hands and begin to cover the skin. Once you are completely covered, begin to massage the entire body. Take your time and send love to your beautiful self. Then after you're finished, jump into a hot shower, and just let the oil rise off the old toxins. Dry off and notice how different you feel.


Dry brushing has many benefits according to Ayurvedic medicine. Begin this process in the bathroom with clothes off. Start at the feet which promotes blood circulation and cell regeneration. As you get toward the torso, the lymphatic and parasympathetic nervous systems are deeply stimulated. If you are struggling with disease, aging, or excess weight, dry brushing is a life changer. Be careful to not overdo; however, brush deep enough where the blood gets suitably circulated. There is a video on Facebook (yogabyjyl) in case you want to SEE more details.


Sidenote: As a medical medium, I intuitively see skin problems coming from within and not from sun abuse as we have all been told. Skin spots and other problems come from old leftover pharmaceutical drugs trying to leave the body; negative emotions, and detrimental thoughts looping in our heads. Let the skin enjoy the sun and absorb enough Vitamin D to support the immune system. Avoid using commercial sunscreen products. The skin treatment rule is only use products on the skin that can be placed in the mouth and eaten.


Once we make cleansing all important, our overall health and skin conditions will selfheal.

Aging to Sage-ing....


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD.

Medical Medium

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution


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