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Essential oils

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

I wouldn't dream of putting pharmaceuticals into my sensitive body. In the past, I have and greatly suffered. Instead, I rely on essential oil or plant medicine along with organic healing foods to keep myself healthy. I really can't understand how people live their entire lives not knowing how to self-care by using the power of plant medicine. If you find essential oils interesting, and you want to join me, log onto and signup to become a distributor. Use my distributor #255174 and you will be directly assigned to my healing team. Let the healing begin!

Essential oils are distilled directly from plants and it is very important that we use high-grade oils or what are referred to as therapeutic grade. Essential oils and human blood share several common properties. Both contain hormone-like compounds, fight infections and imitate cell regeneration. The chemical structure of human cells and tissues are similar to the chemical structure of essential oils.

“Why use essential oils: they support modern health treatments, have immediate healing effects, support multiple systems in the body, treat almost all medical conditions and have much better results (nontoxic to the body) than using synthetic prescription drugs.” Taken from my Conscious Afternoon Teas book.

No matter how you decide to use essential oils, they will serve your health. As I travel around the globe, I can immediately identify a person who uses essential oils by their healthy glow and a higher frequency energy surrounding them.

Successful Healing Story

I have had so much success over the years using essential oils to heal myself and others. There are nine oils that when placed directly on the spine will transform any illness. Each oil has their specific healing properties and over time, you will become your own oil expert. My favourite healing story is when I was in India and my leg got infected. I would have to have the abscess surgically remove. Instead of having plastic surgery, I opted to use essential oils for skin regeneration. I had a hole the size of a quarter and so deep that my shin bone was visible-eek. But that didn't stop me from self-healing. I first used the leaves of wild comfrey followed by essential oils of geranium, melrose, and helichrysum. Ghee and Manuka honey were then added to the healing concoction. Soon the hole closed with fresh skin. Anything is possible with essential oils.

Rose oil eliminates herpes and shingles. Melaleuca oil clears fungus. Clove oil eradicates viruses (COVID-19). Frankincense oil smoothes wrinkles and skin problems. And the list goes on. There are so many oils that can empower your self-healing journey. Further information can be found in the Conscious Afternoon Teas book.

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