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Updated: Aug 25, 2023

As our consciousness expanses, we begin to see life through different lenses. That is why I have written all my books especially, Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution. I have been blessed with my own personal self-healing experiences and honored to have witnessed so many others who have healed. Slowly but surely, the world is starting to wake up to higher levels of consciousness and people want to understand a greater truth about health and well-being.

Great health requires that we understand the truth about healing the mind, body, spirit constitution. It means having the courage to open the mind to an advance paradigm. Think for a moment, WHY do we get sick (imbalanced)? And why do some people get sick while others do not? Example: A woman experienced the death of her abusive father and three years later, she gets violently ill. The illness seemed to have come out of nowhere, but the Spirits shared that the woman had suppressed her wounds for far too long and now abusive memories and emotional wounds resurfaced causing her to get quite ill. The woman's illness will provide the adequate time she needs to observe her life and resolved childhood wounds—only if she stays consciously empowered.

Our human lives can surely add unbearable stress upon us if we don’t pay attention to the signs; however, we get sick because our souls have signed a contract to learn some important life lessons. PAIN comes along when we are not paying attention or moving forward on our assigned life’s journey. It might be that our bad habits or life distractions have kept us from fulfilling our spiritual contracts, so in turn, we are not seeing the life-threatening messages coming our way. Karma, addictions, emotional imbalances, disease, accidents, joint pain—all the way up to debilitating physical handicaps can bring us to our knees in prayer. Emotions like anger, guilt, shame, and fear represent the ego keeping us from our greatness and each of these emotions play a huge role in our health or lack of. It is critical to understand that our belief systems are also at the core of all our pain, addictions, and disease. As we become more and more aware, we start to see how all limiting beliefs block good health and the chance to experience balanced lives.

And yes, we are the ones responsible for writing the script and balancing the mind, body, spirit connection. Many of us feel very comfortable handing our health over to someone else to manage. The spirit world has warned me that this action is not always aligned with divine order. Instead, use the medical systems when you are critically ill, preparing to transition back to the spirit world, or have been badly injured in a car accident. The problem comes when the medical community intervenes and starts to medicate/drug the person’s pain away. The altered drug state now makes it very hard for a person to self-heal and consciously grasp the soul lessons.

Our self-healing timeouts serve an important purpose. We grow from these tough experiences and learn about ourselves. Self-empowerment comes when we have the courage to accept an imbalance in our lives and surrender it to our higher-Self and heal (shift the frequency). If we are not looking at the core of our problems or diseases, we have missed the key teachings we were born to learn. Well, one option is to reincarnate and try again. Or better yet, open and heal the mind.

The body doesn’t break on its own. Please hear this! No, the body takes all its instructions on how to behalf from the mind. If the mind is full of harmful emotions, unresolved karma, and endless chatter of timeworn beliefs, you will most likely have a body that will suffer. However, it just takes an open mind to accept, surrender, and empower yourself to heal the wounds you carry. Start today by releasing the pain and live an authentic life.

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Aug 14, 2023

Lovely message…awareness and personal attention to that inner voice helps. 🙏

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