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False Enlightenment

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

False Enlightenment… with a psychedelic drug experience

The latest trend these days in spiritual enlightenment is the “SHORTCUT” method. Pay some shaman a lot of money to take you out on a vision quest. They provide a psychedelic drug and tell you it is plant medicine and away you go…hope for the best because the truth is, you have no idea what that drug is going to do to your body, mind (brain), and soul. As you naively open the doors to your unconscious mind, make sure to say a prayer and strongly anchor yourself in the present moment. We don’t want anyone to get lost along the way.

Look back in history at all the great enlightened teachers, masters, sages, philosophers, and mystics. Not sure if any of them paid great sums of money (most were poor) to take a drug, so they could see behind the veil of the darkness of their souls. No, they waited until GOD blessed them with a shift in consciousness or the exact time to be able to process a higher state of being. If you open the doors to the unconscious too soon, beware! For most mystics, their form of an altered state was created by GOD. GOD was the drug. Unfortunately, most folks seeking now a days will not understand what I just wrote. Ugh.

What is wrong with our world? Are we that broken to think we can pay for enlightenment? Do we not see through the cons of Michael Pollan, the shamans, and all the others who are pushing these false heightened (enlightened) experiences. I expect therapist to get on board with this behavior Afterall, they have nothing up their sleeves but more pharmaceutical drugs; but please understand, real enlightenment isn’t a dangerous shortcut. Shamans know better; however, the money is hard to walk away from. Shamans know that they are the healers assigned to a collective consciousness—their village. This common frequency is aligned to their practice and village people—I question if it should even be available to outsiders.

If you are contemplating a vision quest, please consider the following:

1. What if your experience is too overwhelming for your brain to handle, leaving you with major physical and mental regrets?

2. What if you have a psychotic break during your experience?

3. What if the deep depression you feel after the experience is uncontrollable and creates suicidal thoughts?

4. Do you really have thousands of dollars to waste on something that is free from GOD and your higher Self when it is time to evolve?

I know in my heart this is a trend that is going to result in some negative consequences. The same thing happened in the 60s with LSD. Many of the theorist during that time had hoped to find some major healing break though to help psychotic episodes. Unfortunately, all that happened was more drug abuse. Only deep love cues.

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