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False Medicine v.s. True Healing

Updated: Aug 3, 2023

"Sickness is the defence against the truth or true healing." ...A Course in Miracle

People who are suffering feel (unconsciously) separated and unloved. Western Medicine offers outside remedies (pharmaceuticals and surgery) that help the body temporarily feel better; however, this never cures the whole person. Conventional care is a system based in fear, inequality (someone more skilled knows better about your body than you), ego and huge profits. This system will never offer a greater truth about wellness. Yet, the rational mind (duality) continues to seek the upside-down medicine for health and healing.

My question: Why?

The cure is found in Christ Consciousness and the non-dual. It is in this state that a person can feel the union and love of God. The reason why spiritual healers can offer a true healing is that they influence a transmutation of consciousness. Their strong love for the Divine, along with their commitment to the non-dual, allows the suffering to shift. The healer isn’t a person who has special gifts that brings on a healing—no, they recognise their oneness with the oneness of the person suffering. The healer can dispel the illusions of separateness and any lack of love. This spiritual teacher (healer) then reminds the person being healed (transmuted) that everyone has access to the voice of GOD. Prayer and meditation, along with forgiveness and self-love move a person from suffering into a higher state of consciousness, and true healing can now take place.

Today YOU can heal.

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