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From Tribal to Cosmic Mentality

Updated: Aug 29

The word “cosmic” typically refers to matters related to the universe; however, it can also be used metaphorically to describe something vast, interconnected, or beyond the ordinary.

Some metaphysicians still use the word, “tribal” to describe the connection they share with their clients. In a world of the misunderstood—yogis, psychics, mediums, healers and artists, the word tribe can represent a safe haven. Yet, for many who have grown up in complicated families (first tribe), the tribal mentality may not be embraced.

Let’s explore Tribalism, or the tendency to identify with groups based on shared characteristics and clarify the benefits along with the drawbacks:

  1. Pros of Tribal Mentality:

    • Safety and Survival: Being part of a tribe (family) provides safety in numbers. Historically, tribes offered protection against external threats, such as predators or rival groups.

    • Vicarious Rewards: When your tribe succeeds, you feel pride and satisfaction, even if it’s not your personal achievement. This sense of collective success can be motivating.

    • Social Identity and Belonging: Tribes give us a sense of belonging and identity. They connect us to others who share our values, culture, or interests.

  2. Cons of Tribal Mentality:

    • Cognitive Distortions: Tribalism can lead to biased thinking. We may perceive the tribe as superior and others as inferior. This can hinder critical thinking and empathy.

    • Appeals to Violence: Extreme tribalism can justify violence against perceived outside threats. At times, even the slightest aggression shared by tribal members can become uncontrollable and even abusive.

    • Excludes Soul Evolution: The evolution of the soul requires continual shifts in consciousness to higher states of grace. If the tribe is stuck in an old paradigm, then growth is impossible. If just one tribal (family) member wants to evolve or think outside the box, it may threathen the entire group. Tribes often can’t maintain open-mindedness and empathy concerning soul change.

In my latest book Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution, I explore some critical life conditions we face on the planet today.  One story in the book pertains to pollution in the USA. My neighbour was helpful in supplying real life data. This particular neighbour saturated the front yard monthly with a truck full of liquid herbicides. Toxic yard chemicals have a way of getting into the ground waters and back out into the oceans, rivers, lakes and creeks. We are destroying the planet and the water supply all because we need beautiful yards. In this case, the tribe (other neighbours) turned a blind eye on this destructive behavior because, they too use toxic herbicides and pesticides. When I approached the neighbour, and asked what it would take to make her family less indifferent about pollution— there was no exchange. One might say, I have been placed on the "neighbourhood watch" list—giggle. To this day, when I see the neighbour’s son working in the yard and greet him with a friendly wave, no response—he puts his head down and ignores me. His mother and father have turned him against me and my request for a healthier world. Unfortunately, children often support the choices of their parents, even if it is delusional.

Overcoming tribalism and moving into a more cosmic mentality requires intentional effort and a commitment to fostering understanding and empathy. Here are three steps to consider:

  1. Education and Awareness: Recognize the biases and stereotypes that contribute to tribalism. Awareness is always the first step toward change. It is critical that healthy awareness training begins with family.

  2. Encourage Dialogue: Engage in respectful conversations with people from diverse backgrounds and opposing positions. Listen actively and seek common ground to understand another point of view.

  3. Bridge-Building Activities: Collaborate on projects that transcend tribal boundaries. Working together fosters understanding.

The time is now to replace the old ways of tribalism with a fresh cosmic approach to interconnectivity. Together, let's transform the world with a brighter—all inclusive, cosmic mentality.

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD.

Medical Medium & Mystic

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution


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