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Updated: May 15

We are currently influenced by a powerful universal energy. The brightly colored lights being witnessed in the sky seem to support this claim. The more we stay conscious to the planetary shifts outside ourselves, the easier it will be to stay inwardly balanced. The get-up-and-go energy aspect of ourselves is affected by everything—from the shows we watch on Netflix, all the way to our social media friends. Everything we experience gets filtered back into the cells of our entire body. How do we maintain healthy energy flow in the mist of difficulties and chaos? This blog addresses energy medicine and how to use this form of healing to balance medians.

What is energy medicine and what does it have to do with meridians?  

Energy medicine (EM) has been recognized by the USA Healthcare System as a subspecialty within a larger body of complementary and alternative medicine. EM has been broken into two primary applications: veritable and putative (Maret, 2016.)  Veritable fields can be measured. An example of veritable EM is noninvasive brain surgery using only sound waves. Putative EM on the other hand, defies being quantified and enhances wholeness by using a healer or a spiritually gifted person to balance subtle or unseen energy fields. (Warber et al, 2015). The above writing has been taken from Consciousness of Energy Medicine, Defining the Spiritually Gifted Healer dissertation (Auxter, 2017). For anyone interested in reading the full dissertation, go to and proceed to the BIO page.

EM is a branch of holistic healing which includes the following: Reiki, therapeutic healing, vibrational medicine, intuitive healing, sound therapy, psychic surgery, working with angels, medical mediumship, chakra balancing, tapping meridians, essential oil therpy, Sat Nam Rasayan (Kundalini healing), acupuncture, massage and more. EM includes any type of alternative methods that reset the human energy system so the body can selfheal.

Meridian is a concept used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and other Southeast Asian healing traditions. The premise is that our energy flows throughout the body in pathways called meridians. There are 12 key meridian points that are important for supporting the lungs, large intestines, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestines, bladder, kidneys, pericardium, triple warmer, gallbladder, and liver. Healers often have their clients tap on certain areas of the body to correct the energy flow and by doing so, empower them to immediately feel better.

In order to make sure our get-up-and-go has not gotten up and left us behind, we must stay connected to our personal energy. A question we might ask ourselves: Have the northern lights in the sky changed the way we feel in our body? Are we aware of times when our energies have shifted? Does a full moon bring out an inner, howling wolf energy? The key to healthy balanced energy is to replace toxic situations and relationships with healthier ones. We must learn to practice positive energy hygiene if we are to stay balanced in our body during these ever-changing times.

EM is real healing medicine for any of us who are still sitting on the cynical fence. We can literally change the flow of energy just by tapping on our body. Energy is sacred and we are our body's health custodians. This is an honour, and I pray we are up for the challenge.


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Author: Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution


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