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Detox Retreat, 2023

Updated: Dec 21, 2023

For the last 35 plus years, I have been offering healing and detoxing events around the world. It all started with me getting in trouble with my own health and learning to become "the healer." Now, I help others balance their body, mind, and spirit with a safe cleanse using only high-quality, sustainable foods. In October 2022, I held the first, of hopefully many, detoxifications at the "Healing House" in Nokomis, Florida—just 30 minutes South of Sarasota. I shared some amazing "Jyl-designed" healing foods to help kick off the event. My goal is to offer a weekend introductory class, with a week and a month cleanse to follow in the future. Below, is a photo of cherry ACAI superfood smoothies. This is only one of the many healing foods served during the 3-day event.

In the world of cleansing, a true cleanse takes about 3-4 months to clear the blood of harmful toxins. If you are dealing with a disease or excess weight—slow and steady wins the race to wellness. We will address what it means to maintain an alkaline or acidic body—more information can be found in my What's Cooking Within cookbook. During the cleanse, we will identify what foods are healing and dive into some core healing issues. If you don't meditate, it is time to learn. Gentle kriya yoga will help the body receive the new food and create a gentle transformation. You are in good hands with me, because frankly, I have seen it all. I have witnessed people going to "fancy" health institutions to cleanse and drink wheatgrass juice, only to see them throw it all up. No, this is not an effective cleanse. A body that eats meat, bread, sugar and drinks alcohol (acid forming foods) can't just start drinking wheatgrass. No, horrible and way too hard on the body. So we take it slow and, in the long run, your body will respond quicker with better results.

What is a detox and why is it important to my health?

A Detox is when you set aside some downtime to consciously eat and review your life. It is a time to be gentle to yourself, meditate and learn to honour your life's journey. Most people think that they will just do a water or juice fast for a couple of days, while they continue their hectic work schedule, and try to get positive results. Trust me, you will feel horrible. I get calls all the time from people sick from cleansing, asking me if they should eat. I have known people to drink juices that are not organic and eat from salad bars that are contaminated. This is not a cleanse, and this is dangerous for the body. Details for the 3-day event:

Day One: 8:00am. We begin at the beach as we clear our auras and prepare to receive a transportation. 10:00 am. Once at the Nokomis, Healing House, we will discuss 7 critical tips for cleansing the body and learn how to muscle test ourselves and each other, as we discover greater truths about health. Many people's bodies are riddled with excessive parasites and Candida. When the body is in this condition—next comes disease. We will discuss healing devices that can keep the body balanced. Also, I will introduce Ayurvedic medicine, and the approach used for cleansing in India. During the class discussion, we will enjoy tinctures, healing juice shots, and smoothies. After the discussion, lunch is served. 12:00-2:00 pm. The rest of the day and into the evening, you are free to explore Florida.

Day Two: 9:00 am. We meet at the Healing House for a morning wake up with gentle yoga kriyas. These kriyas are critical for launching a transformation and will offer an opening into a greater aspect of yourself. We then move into emotional and mental health and discuss disease, allergies, and weight. At the core of any disease, there will be an emotional or mental imbalance. Wellness and self-healing requires that we dismantle all debilitating blocks. 12:00-2:00 pm, lunch is served, followed by free time.

Day Three: 9:00 am. We meet at the Healing House for healing kriyas as we balance our meridians. The mind, body, soul connection is real and our spiritual life/work will be examined. We will address our spiritual lives and see if there is room for improvement. After the discussion, lunch is served 12:00-2:00 pm. Sunday Evening: 6:00-8:00 pm. Cacao Healing ceremony at the Healing House. We will stoke the flames in the fire pit, as we release the old and prepare for new beginnings. All participates will receive a Certification of Completion.

COSTS: A deposit of $200 is required to reserve your space. The basic three-day cleanse includes a healing gift bag with helpful cleansing tools, all organic foods, juices, tinctures, essential oils, psychic information/teachings, yoga and meditation instructions, along with a copy of my latest book. The cost is $777.00. The deluxe cleanse includes all of the above, in addition: an hour— one-on-one energy healing/psychic reading with Jyl. The cost for the deluxe cleanse is $977.00. Lodging, local transportation and travel are not included. I am available to help you find a reasonably priced beach cottage on Casey Key if needed.

Cherry ACAI Smoothie recipe is located on page 147 in the Conscious Love book. Ingredients: Coconut water, frozen ACAI bar, frozen and fresh blueberries, frozen cherries, Medjool dates, spirulina, barley grass, wheatgrass, spinach and maca powder. The smoothie can be topped with my homemade granola for an extra treat.

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15 may 2023

I also attended the May 2023 detox/cleansing retreat at the Healing House in Nokomis. The previous comments very accurately described the agenda of our three-day experience with Jyl. The Cacao Healing ceremony, which capped off this amazing weekend, was very special with lovely music and several other attendees who I enjoyed chatting with when the event concluded. This was a thought-provoking weekend. I left Nokomis feeling stimulated and energized. I am now practicing daily meditation, which I didn’t quite understand until this weekend, but I'm working on it. A healthy lifestyle has always been a priority for me and my family, but I realize now how improvements can be made to better care for not only our bodies,…

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12 may 2023

Jyl’s detox/cleansing retreat was extraordinary! I attended the May 2023 event at her Healing House in Nokomis, Florida. The 3 days were pleasantly packed with gentle yoga kriyas, meditation, daily discussions on healthy living and incredible foods prepared by Jyl. Topics discussed were cleansing and detoxing the body, developing and maintaining nutritionally sound eating practices, exploration of the mind, body, soul connection and our spiritual selves. Sunday evening ended with a Cacao Healing ceremony and a sound bath which were amazing. Jyl’s obvious knowledge base, spiritual connection and engaging personality made the weekend special. It was a weekend not to be forgotten...DRR

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12 may 2023

The spring retreat in May was an awesome event. The last evening was ending with a Cacao Ceremony and a soundbath . Wonderful Jyl

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