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Hydrocolonic Therapy

Updated: Mar 11

Spring Cleaning for the Mind, Body, and Soul...

In the Sunshine State of Florida (USA), spring breaks run from February to April, and this time is known as high season or the season when grocery stores sell out of organic or Bio vegetables, specifically celery. Empty vegetable bins signify to most holistic Floridians that spring cleansing has begun. The best dietary cleanse is done when the weather is hot and tropical making Florida a popular cleansing destination with celery juice the all-time favorite.


The length of a typical short cleanse can range from 3-7 days of juicing and eating only raw fruits and vegetables. Sometimes a dinner of warm vegetable broth can soothe the colon as the body naturally starts the detoxification process which tends to keep a person inside and close to the toilette. Add the Indian herb, triphala and you now have the power to expedite the cleansing process.


However, after a couple days of juicing, steaming, and blending lots of fruits and vegetables, a person starts to grow tired of all this hard work nonsense and may want to get back to their regular meat-eating and wine drinking patterns. Cleansing is not for all, especially for folks who are impatient and too scared to get a colonic or what is referred to as hydrocolonic therapy. Keep in mind, a colonic is critical if you are suffering with a diagnosed disease or sickness. However, I have read that movie stars are known to use colonics for weight lost purposes. Yes, it is true, colonics can quickly get us all back into our skinny jeans.


Hydrocolonic therapy is a type of alternative health therapy which improves the function of the colon along with other organs in the body. The procedure is very gentle as a small nozzle attacked to a long hose is slightly inserted into the rectum. The hose is connected to a machine that monitors the water flow massage and flushing of toxic build-up. It takes about 40-50 minutes and during that time a professional hydrocolonic therapist massages trigger points on the body helping toxins to naturally flush. Destructive mental thoughts and unruly emotions are part of the release, thus supporting deep healing results.  


The best time to receive a colonic is when you have cleansed for a week or more. If not, toxins start to back up into the body. You know when you need the help of a colonic when you have skin (rash) problems, excess weight gain, heavy body odor, allergic reactions, constipation, diarrhea, insomnia, anger, depression, joint pain, and heat-like symptoms mimicking hot flashes. As the toxins leave the body, you will start to feel amazing—no aches, no pains, no rashes. You will feel great in your body again.

Attention: I have heard a few people say that their doctors don’t recommend hydrocolonic therapy. I then ask these people if their doctors have ever experienced a colonic—Exactly. Try to get healing advice from a holistic professional with years of knowledge and expertise—not scary, secondhand medical data. Personally, hydrocolonic therapy has saved my life, but always stay wise and make your own right health decisions.


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Medical Medium

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution




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