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I’m Sorry…Words to Heal By

Updated: Jan 24

The Ho’oponopono Mantra (Hawaiian Prayer)

I’m Sorry,

Please Forgive Me,

Thank You,

I Love You.

Today, let's cleanse ourselves from toxic emotions and mental agitations. It can be a “big ask” for some people to accept that they have manifested their own pain. Unfortunately, self-healing, spiritual expansion, and coming to terms with core personal issues are avoided like the plague. However, our responsibility is to acknowledge the lessons and energy shifts behind our physical health problems. This inner transformation is a critical part of the human experience.

The Ho’oponopono is a practice of reconciliation and forgiveness by expressing gratitude and love for our lives and the people within our world. The ancient Hawaiians believe their prayer can clear the mind and the roots of any illness. By saying daily a few simple words, healing and transformation will occur within our bodies and throughout our relationships. Remember, holding on to resentment and bitterness takes up space and leaves no room for love and true healing.  

I AM SORRY. I personally know people who can’t apologize. We all probably know a few stubborn people who can't say they are sorry. It is as if apologizing makes them too vulnerable and weakens their superior self-image (ego). When you find the courage to admit you are sorry, healing can begin. Start by placing your hands on your pelvis and strongly express the words, "I'm sorry." By doing so, you have anchored these powerful words into your lower persona (first and second chakras). Now you can boldly walk into the world with your head held high.

PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Learn to ask for forgiveness whether you are guilty or not. Many times, we are naively unaware of how our actions have deeply hurt another person. My advice is to ask for forgiveness often. When you ask for forgiveness, place your hands on your abdomen (third chakra or power center). Feel the words and direct them to yourself and to the person you have harmed. Empower yourself by forgiving and understand the more you practice this behavior, the easier it becomes.

THANK YOU. Being grateful is the key to opening doors to personal and spiritual greatness. You now become an influencer of a higher consciousness. As you express these words, take your hands, and place them on your throat (fifth chakra). Feel a higher vibration travel through you.

I LOVE YOU. As you say I love you to yourself and to another person, focus the energy on your heart (fourth chakra). Place your hands on the chest and feel the spiritual blessings from above race through your entire body. Release this energy outward toward the collective consciousness. You have done your job well, and you will self-heal.


Blessings and Love,

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Medical Medium & Spiritual Teacher

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution.


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