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Yoga Kriya

Updated: Jun 13

A kriya is a spiritual form of yoga that awakens energy and aligns you to the Infinite Intelligence (God). This style of yoga uses mudras and mantras along with asanas and meditation. Natural healers like to work with kriyas because it allows them to shift blocked energy (health problems) in a specific area of the body and help a person quickly regain balance.

All forms of yoga will shift the energy of your chakras or subtle bodies. Chakras are portal to higher levels of consciousness. If you are already a yogi and doing Hatha yoga asanas, maybe consider moving deeper into consciousness with kriyas.

Sixth Density

“The sixth chakra is associated with the sixth density. It governs the brain, eyes, pituitary, pineal, and hormones. When balanced, it can shift memory problems, emotional disorders, endocrine disturbances and headaches. I have seen health problems like fibromyalgia, MS, memory dysfunction associated with Alzheimer's, and chronic pain healed.”

The kriya demonstrated above will help shift sixth charka issues. It is extremely easy to do and the benefits are many. Find a peaceful place in the home where you will not be disturbed. Remember to light a white candle and say a protection prayer three times: Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.

Sixth-Density Kriya

The kriya begins by sitting cross-legged on the floor or comfortably in a chair. This spiritual exercise uses both a mantra (chant) and a mudra (hand movement). Using both hands, begin by placing the ring fingers together and interlace all other fingers. Position the right thumb on top of the left. Hold the hands several inches from the chest with the ring fingers pointed upward at a 60-degree angle. The eyes are slightly closed and focused on the area between the eyebrows or the third eye.

Create a balance mental state and immediately offer enhanced energy to your body.

“It might feel a bit strange having the ring finger up against each other and in the air. The mudra will start to feel more comfortable as you continue the kriya.”

The breath will come automatically with the chant: Ong or Creator. The mouth is open but the air flows through the nose. Chant for 3 minutes then place the hands on the your lap. Meditate.

Get Inspired

Learning about chakras, densities, and biofields can be fun. The future will offer all of us a chance to experience heighten states of consciousness or a shift in reality. The information above was taken from my latest book called Upside Down...The Rise of an Evolution. This book will be available soon.

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