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Updated: Jan 24

It is truly great to see that Nokomis Beach (gulf side of Florida, USA), has finally made a stance on cigarettes and cigarette butts. Starting October 1st, 2023, Sarasota County will no longer tolerate smoking and cigarette butts on the beach. Whether you are enjoying an e-cigarette, cigar, regular cigarette, or the stuff that smells like a skunk, it may be time to reconsider your choices in smoking areas before heading to Nokomis Beach. For all of us who enjoy the fresh ocean breeze and sunny beaches, this is a big win. We can now breathe in peace knowing that we are free from excess, toxic second-hand smoke. Great news.

My question is: Does “No BUTTS about it” truly mean no smoking or just go ahead and smoke on the beach, but make sure to cleanup your butts or you be heavily fined$? The sign reads, “No more Smoking.” For all non-smoking environmentalists don’t put your broomsticks away just yet. There may be more work ahead.

In the meantime, I want to address addictions. A little innocent subject for a regular day, but it is one that I have much compassion toward. I grew up with addiction all around me and I can tell you firsthand, it steals a person’s life force. In this short blog essay, I would like to discuss the addiction of smoking and offer some metaphysical insights into how we might shift this nasty habit/disease to a higher consciousness.

All lower frequencies—and smoking is one of them, have a definite root cause for the problem. We can also add drinking, drugging, ugly behaviors and pretty much any disease on the planet to our low frequency list. Lower frequencies simply mean that a person is separated from a higher source of love or God. The research I did for a book I wrote a long time ago showed that addictions can be found in every CHAKRA of the body. A chakra, for those of you who may not be familiar, is a portal (subtle energy) of consciousness and each chakra is assigned to a section of the physical body. Our focus for this blog is on smoking with the main portal or chakra being the heart/lungs or better known as the Fourth Chakra.

What does all this mean? Well, as I mentioned, the Fourth Chakra includes lungs which represent grief. It also includes the heart and the ability to love and be loved. Maybe you have lost a loved one, or maybe you are grieving a lost sense of love for yourself. Think of it as a major life theme that your soul has chosen to learn and balance in this time/space continuum. I discovered that most smokers who come to me for a healing will have a tough time with love. Their self-worth and self-esteem are underdeveloped and overtaxed. These poor folks have tried everything to give up their addictions, but in the end, they really struggle. Unfortunately, these same people usually wrestle with other addictions like drinking, and this dangerous mix of drinking and smoking makes it almost impossible to quit both additions.

Some people resign to a life long addiction. There is a bit of hopelessness and bittersweet to their energy and life stories. To take it further, addictions are linked to many difficult and extreme behavioral problems— specifically, unhinged anger. Unfortunately, it may take a whole lifetime for a person to clear this karma. Smoking and the Fourth Chakra can be balanced. But to do this you must ask yourself some important questions: Are you truly ready to heal? Can you commit to setting some clear and powerful intentions? Since separation is the root problem, are you ready to talk with God? With each client, I am hopeful the person can shift the consciousness in this chakra and live a different kind of life. Miracles do happen.

The way to get started is by flushing your physical body with plenty of healthy, Spring water. Keep in mind that the body is not to blame for your addiction. Addiction is karmic in nature and exist in the etheric or conscious awareness of your being. This is the same place where cancer, and other diseases originate. Meditation is the only thing I know to completely remap and re-amp the brain to shift a person’s consciousness to a higher level. Deep breathing, prayer, and yoga will support the mediation effects and the detoxing process.

One thing I share with my clients is when destructive and compulsive emotions get trigged and you want to attack, try to calm yourself instead. Old behaviors must be observed and honoured,. but switch off because these destructive attacks keep the self-hatred theme alive in your energy field. Try to visualize an off button in your head. The minute you are emotionally triggered—get up and move to a different room and breathe deeply. Allow the energy to move through you. Changing destructive behaviors and learning to live in your heart will shift the energy in the Fourth Chakra. Learn restraint and replace irrational behavior with more grounded thoughtful and loving conversation. In time, you will notice improvements. Your monster addictions are releasing their hold on you. The bonus here is that you may start to have more supportive friends and loved one back in your life.

No butts about it, a smoking addiction can be a challenge to quit, but not impossible. By the world limiting places to smoke, it will help bring a higher level of awareness to the planet. Please stop smoking for the greater good of the world and your personal health..


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of An Evolution

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