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Past Lives and Premonitions

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

Past lives and premonitions...real or parlour tricks

Eternity is not future or past. Eternity is a dimension of now. It is a dimension of the human spirit which is eternal. Find that eternal dimension within yourself, and you will ride through time and throughout the whole length of your days.

Joseph Campbell

If our souls never die, then a past life and future life psychic reading pales in regards to the vital information unfolding in the present moment. Healthy people live in the PRESENT and really don’t need a psychic to tell them anything, especially a past life or premonition of the future. As a medical medium, I seldom get messages of past lives or premonitions for my clients. According to my God voice, a real healing is the information being revealed in the present moment. I have always been told that all we need to do is close our eyes and connect to the spirit world. Any Samskaras (psychological wounds) left unhealed will be available as our consciousness levels increase and we will be safe to process these wounds when they do surface.

Truth: No more “parlour tricks.” Take your psychic off your speed dial and instead, learn to close your eyes and start to get to know your inner self.

Please note: Not all psychics are created equal. It will depend on their level of consciousness as to how accurate they really can be at conveying a greater life truth. If a psychic sells you on clearing all your past life wounds—run. At the end of the day, money becomes a key factor and some psychics may go a little overboard to meet people’s fairytale wishes (like: You were once royalty in another lifetime.). This is unfortunate; but often true.

As we move into this new fourth-density frequency, become the mystic. All the answers we seek are inside of each of us; but we are too distracted with life and parlor tricks to notice them. Learn to meditate daily and stay grounded in the moment. It is totally FREE. Find your joy and live your “heaven on earth.”

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