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Plant-Based Diet… Why Vegan?

Updated: Feb 7

Many 2024 resolutions will be centered around either losing weight or healing health concerns. One thing is for sure, we all want to start the new year feeling good in our bodies. A change in diet will help with both losing the excess weight and balancing health issues. Now the question: Is a vegan diet a good alternative meal plan for you?

Most of us have been raised to eat three meals a day with each one consisting of some type of meat, egg, or dairy product. For the last forty years, I have been an advocate for “No one diet fits all,” and I still adhere to this way of thinking. The thing that really concerns me is the amount of protein that we are told we must consume. It is way too high in my opinion, especially if you are a fully grown adult.

Proteins are constructed from compounds called amino acids. Thirteen of the twenty-two amino acids that we need to survive are produced in and by our own bodies—leaving only nine amino acids that we must daily consume. Vegetables by themselves are incomplete proteins and must be combined in a particular way with other foods. BUT did you know that a piece of meat is 20% fat, meaning that some complete proteins may come with a fatty cost. Here is what you probably don’t know. There is a Wolfberry healing tincture called "Ning Xia Red" that contains 18 amino acid with 13% protein. This is a very high protein content coming from a fruit source. This idea that we need to eat only animal protein with every meal or drink processed, powdered protein shakes to get our daily recommended protein is absolutely, kooky.

Three reasons to embrace a plant-based diet:

1.        Eating organic vegetables and fruits support a healthy alkaline body. Plant-based foods are healing to the body. The body's pH levels are acidic when it is diseased, overweight, and consumes mostly meat, dairy, bread (pasta) and sugar (alcohol). Cancer patients, who are trying to get their energy back after radiation and chemo, can really benefit from a vegan, plant-based diet. Soy, animal proteins, and dairy can really be hard on a fragile cancer body and menopausal women trying to stay balanced. Consider avoiding the extra estrogen from meats and soy products. Animal hormones can really affect our bodies in a negative way. It is very important to keep this in mind, especially if you are eating an animal that was fed additional growth hormones. Those of you who are “O blood types” might insist on animal proteins; I still would suggest cutting back meat as much as possible.  

2.        As we become more conscious about our lives and the planet, a plant-based diet just makes more sense. Environmental conditions such as polluted oceans, air, land, and the extinction of many species are world-wide problems. Just watch one of Netflix’s documentaries, “You Are What You Eat,” to get a better idea on what we are doing to destroy our planet and our bodies. Growing more fruits and vegetables sustainably can really start to support a higher consciousness on our planet by creating more healthy and happy people.

3.        PETA is an organization supporting animal rights and is quite a worthy cause. Some of the younger generations are radically changing their diets to support the core values expressed by PETA. The way animals are being treated, especially in the US, is simply too cruel to comprehend. When we eat animals that have been mistreated, that energy goes directly into our bodies and our consciousness. I really support koshered processed foods. In the past, I have been known to eat a piece of chicken and immediately become overwhelmed with the “killing” fears. Koshered or blessed foods is certainly the way to go and can support sensitive meat-eating people.

Maybe vegan diets are only a fad and a trend that will soon be gone. Yet, I have noticed so many more vegan products being offered in the grocery stores and many more restaurants are honouring organic plant-based options. Michelin starred and New York-based, Eleven Madison Park has completely changed their menu to vegan. It took a lot of courage for this superstar restaurant to go against the grain and step out-of-the "animal" protein box. Congratulations. This restaurant is making a huge impact on the future of food in the world.

Thank you for reading my blog. If you are interested in any vegan recipes or want to discuss your dietary needs, please send me an email,

Blessing and Love,

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Medical Medium & Nutritionist


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