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Psychic SuperPowers

Updated: Aug 25, 2023

Do psychics lose their gifts as they grow older?

About thirty some years ago, I found the courage to finally step into my psychic/medical medium gifts. I had just gone through a powerful awakening where I had to learn to self-heal. I guess becoming a healer meant I first had to pass the test of the Universal Spiritual Law of Self-Healing. Little did I know at the time, I would soon be helping many others physically shift (transmute) their body/mind/spirit consciousness and heal.

In the beginning days of Yoga by Jyl healings, I simply sprinkled therapeutic grade essential oils on the spines of my clients and left the healing miracles to the spirit world. I could feel the spiritual healing blueprint flow through my body and into my clients. Everything back then was done in the non-dual. Of course, I had no idea what that even meant, other than I closed my eyes and immediately left my body and traveled into the abyss— no thoughts, just pure emptiness, pure energy.

During that time, or the late nineties, I was training with Doctor David R. Hawkins, Phd, MD. Most of his books were way over my ability to comprehend, but with time more of my consciousness was downloaded, and the energy in my brain shifted and healed—cool, right? As a child, I struggled with reading and writing (basic learning). Hearing out of my right ear was compromised, so much so, that I couldn’t articulate sounds. People would make fun me as I spoke and over time, I just kept quiet. I also kept very quiet about my intuitive gifts. But suddenly, here I was hearing a strong, Godly voice speaking to me in my blocked ear. Eek! The more yoga and meditation, the more I heard, and it became much easier reading Hawkins’ books.

In those early days, something stood out in one of Hawkins’ books that I wanted to share. He was discussing that psychic abilities come through the chakras and over time, some chakras become over used and weakened. He wrote that somewhere around 60, psychics tend to lose their gifts. Ugh. I tucked that scary information away for later in my life. Truth be told, back in the day; I was magically involved in some of the most amazing spontaneous healings, ones that no one could wrap their minds around—truly unbelievable. I was blessed with so many ill people looking to heal, and they all strongly believed in my work. I am so grateful for that time in my life and for all the conscious people who trusted me.

Now here I am 66 years young, and pondering this notion of losing my gifts. My God voice came through this morning in yoga and shared with me that it is not so much that psychics lose their abilities, it is more that as our consciousness expanses, the ego drops further into the background of our lives, and we don’t need to be front and centre as the all-knowing psychics—"the wizards of Oz." It is more important to stay physically balanced in our bodies and instead, teach others to develop their own intuitive powers and heal. We are born with a preset level of consciousness so not everyone is a psychic, but everyone has intuition. It means so much to me now escorting people to their consciousness awakenings and a new sense of wholeness. Spiritual growth or the non-dual practice is critical, and if I can help someone move into the higher Self then it truly doesn’t matter any more about my superpower chakras—just my super love powers.


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