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Recipe of the Month

Updated: Jul 20, 2023

Frankfurt, Germany is known for its green sauce or grie sauce. This sauce is a honoured regional dish and if you plan on living long in Frankfurt, you will soon have the pleasure of experiencing this traditional meal. The Germans in Frankfurt take pride in this delicious treat and each year host a city wide contest to pick the best sauce.

This dish can be enjoyed hot or cold. The prep time is 20 minutes and it serves 4 people.

“In Germany the herbs for the green sauce can be found in most grocery stores already freshly picked and prepackaged. Some of the herbs may be difficult to find outside of Germany. The herbs are borage, chervil, cress, parsley, salad burnet, sorrel and chives.”

The green sauce is traditionally served with boiled potatoes and hard boiled eggs. I have been known to go "off the grid" and out on my own American limb. I have served the sauce over salmon and even pasta. But hey-don't tell the Germans.


2 large hard boiled egg yolks, 1 tablespoon of walnut oil, 1-2 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 2/3 cup of Quark, 2/3 cup of Greek Yogurt, 2/3 cup of sour cream, herbs, black pepper and salt to taste.

In a medium mixing bowl mash the egg yolk with the oil and create a paste. Add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix in quark, yogurt, and sour cream. Add herbs (about two hand fulls) and seasoning. You can transfer to a food processor and reduce the herbs into very small pieces. The cream turns a bright green. Over the years, I have reduced a few ingredients. I no longer add the egg yolks and oil. Instead, I add only the quark and yogurt to the fresh herbs, then blend. Yes, I encourage everyone to modify as needed.

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