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Self-Healing Skepticism

Updated: Feb 2

Buddha proclaimed:

Fortunate it is to be born a human being for the human domain offers almost unlimited multiple opportunities to grow and develop one’s level of consciousness and concordant spiritual awareness.

The energy field of consciousness is invisible and nonlinear, and can be unrecognizable to most people; however, it doesn’t mean it is not real. Skepticism, according to consciousness research is a low frequency and a lot of people on the planet are still skeptical of using energy medicine alongside or instead of traditional allopathic practices. After all, stage 4 cancer is serious business and requires “real doctors.” However, I am enlightening you, as a medical medium, that it takes as much energy consciousness to heal a common cold as it does cancer. In time, you can discover this truth for yourself. A shift in consciousness and unbreakable faith is all you need to be able to identify with a new reality.

It's good to be cautious of all healing methods (alternative or traditional). Energy medicine requires you to do some research. Whether you tap on meridians with Donna Eden, balance sluggish chakras with a medical intuitive, hire a Reiki master, or entrust a psychic surgeon like John of God, it will be your choice. Sometimes it makes sense to use alternative methods when you are not faced with serious health issues. You can trustfully move into self-healing and slowly discover the miracles that are available just for your body. When and if big health issues occur, you will immediately be ready to embrace an alternative self-healing network.

My forty years of being in the consciousness energy business has shown me that real healing has little do to with an “outside” expert and more to do with an “inside” consciousness level; and the willingness to grow and evolve. Sickness is a low frequency, while wellness is a higher spiritual one. As you wrap your mind around this concept, some strong beliefs may have to shift. The great prophets and healers of their time: Jesus, Buddha, Zoroaster, and Krishna all came to reveal greater truths. Jesus was known as a powerful healer, and his energy field is available now on the planet, along with other supernatural ancient secrets.

Today, if you are suffering, a quick healing comes when you have the courage to download (ancient secrets) Christ Consciousness into your body, then pray for divine intervention. I work with the spiritual masters. Sometimes, when I am on my daily walk and pass by a stranger, I hear my God voice (see Upside Down…The Rise of the Evolution book) tell me to send a healing blessing. I always obey and now I have been instructed to teach you that fear surrounding an alternative self-healing practice is totally unnecessary. Start to look at life and health as either it is your time to die (life contract has been completed) or it is time to live. If it is not time to transition, then set a goal to explore the world and have more fun. Learn to change the focus from illness to wellness. Don’t fearfully live life with crippling diagnoses around every corner—ones that may not even be real. No healing camp (method) has the power to diagnose or change a soul’s life trajectory. So, my advice is to fully live in the moment and accept with grace when the journey is done.

The intention of this blog is to help shift the consciousness around self-healing and living a balanced life. Overcome skepticism by looking closer for the miracles and gifted healers that are right in front of you. Trust the universe to send exactly what is needed when it is needed. Please, don’t hesitate to accept the spiritual blessings from above.

Love and Blessings,

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Medical Medium

Author of Upside Down...The Rise of an Evolution



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