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Updated: May 9

Customized Detoxification October 18,19, 20, 2024

Over the years of helping people clear their energies to heal, I have realized there is NO one diet, NO one specific healing method or NO one certain way to detox that energetically suits everyone. However, an individualized “custom” approach ensures a positive outcome. As a psychic medium, I feel a person’s energy in my own body (charkas) and can immediately identify core issues and address them with a particular healing/cleansing protocol. In this blog, I would like to address customized cleansing and some general myths associated with yearly detoxifications.

First, I personally cleanse twice a year, so a 3-day cleanse means that I am available during set dates to aid others and I most likely will also be cleansing. My goal is to continue to heal my own body and influence others to do the same. If you have never cleansed, you may not appreciate the benefits of detoxing— other than it may help you manage your weight and physically feel a little better. After you experience just one deep cleanse, you will have a much better appreciation for why you need a professional to hold your hand—and hold your hand is exactly what I do.

October 18, 19, 20 I will be available in Nokomis, Florida, USA offering 3-types of customized services: Type 1. Experience a one-on-one cleansing guidance with me (In person at the USA Healing Haus, or FaceTime/Zoom). Type 2. Organize a tropical paradise get-away cleansing vacation for a small group of your friends (4-5 people) at the Healing Haus and let me do the rest—food, teachings and healing yoga. Type 3. Invite me to speak at your next group gathering to discuss the benefits of detoxification and super health. The time is now to design the perfect cleansing experience for you or your group.

Cleansing MYTHS: Cleansing might be something we don’t do simply because we are afraid to step out of our comfort zone and instead, we go to medical doctors for our wellness and pharmaceuticals. I will assure everyone; cleansing is whatever you want it to be—set your own intentions. One thing is certain, people who learn to rid their bodies of harmful toxins (pharmaceuticals) and seek out cleanses will evolve (age) in a more positive way.

·      Myth #1: A cleanse is drinking only juice or smoothies for 3-5 days. This couldn’t be further from the truth. I personally assess each client’s health and discuss the best foods for them. It is about balance and slowing down to eat less as you observe the foods that no longer serve your body and the ones that heal you. Three days are enough time to witness an unbelievable shift.

·      Myth #2: I already did a cleanse, and it didn’t work. The benefits come when a person starts to see better health over longer periods of time. I usually find that the body wants to slowly cleanse every season of a year. Cleansing now becomes less about weight loss and more about evolving the consciousness (a spiritual journey). With years of cleansing, self-realization starts to unfold. I personally have used my 30 plus years of cleansing to resolve emotional wounds of growing up in an alcoholic home. Also, I am an empath who feels the pain of the world—a body with pain is a body that requires clearing.

·      Myth #3: Detoxifications and colonics are dangerous. Well, fear never wins the life game. Yogis and ancient cultures around the world have been cleansing their bodies, minds, and spirits for centuries. The only danger I see is when fear stands in the way of trying something new that could absolutely benefit a person’s life.  

·      Myth #4: Detoxing isn’t for everyone. To be honest, cleanses are for everyone on this planet, no matter the health concerns. My intention is to make cleansing enchanting and keep it from feeling like a type of punishment. In three days, learn more about yourself than you ever thought possible, grow spiritually, and clear harmful emotions and the pain that is linked to each of them.


The time is now to trust the cleansing process to open the pathway to higher levels of self-realization.


Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD.

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution




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