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Spiritual Maturity

Updated: Aug 20

A mind that is fast is sick.

A mind that is slow is sound.

A mind that is still is divine.

Written by Meher Baba—a modern mystic of India.

As I am writing this blog, it happens to be July 4th and my American friends and family are eagerly celebrating Independence Day. Freedom, independence, and liberation are surely the quest of all spiritual seekers. Many around the world understand that spiritual maturity is a critical catalyst for our conscious evolution and true liberation. This blog shines a light on the importance of doing the necessary spiritual work to obtain a greater divine truth in which to live our life.

Spiritual maturity might be considered a form of spiritual wisdom. How often have we thought about taking extra time out of our busy day to gather fresh spiritual knowledge? This teachable moment can be a deeper dive into our current religion (spiritual practices) or opening ourselves up to other avatars and their teachings. Dr. Charles Strong, a clergyman born 1844 in Daily, Ayrshire, Scotland, gave his entire life to serving mankind and became a powerful advocate for spiritual social change. He wrote the following: The use of studying other religions than our own is that our sympathy becomes thereby widened. We learn to think more charitably of those outside our religions and more worthily of God as not our God only but a God who cares for all and whose spirit has always been working in the world. On a personal note, I have found reading books, like the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga Sutras, A Course in Miracles, and The Upanishads (just to name a few) have provided me with a greater appreciation for the Bible and my Christian upbringing. The same may happen for you.

Spiritual wisdom can literally purify the mind, body and soul while burning off unnecessary karma. It might take a whole lifetime to achieve self-realization; however, the journey is surely worth it and is an important reason for reincarnating. As years of living start to stack up, all of us are naturally heading toward greater spiritual awakenings, supreme love, and a chance to age with grace. It becomes a time of transformative expression. Spiritual maturity is the act of self-healing and self-love. It is an appreciation for the solo relationship you have with your Godhead. It is time to review, reflect, and contemplate life in a positive and loving way. This shifted experience influences others to do the same and, in turn, affects the consciousness of all mankind.

Do keep in mind that the spiritual work required is not all mentally induced, but requires deep faith in the unseen, trained senses, renounced selfish attachments and the ability to acknowledge a Higher-Self that will eventually merge and replace our lower human aspects. We signed a contract with God and our soul to do this work. Prayer, contemplation, meditation, and yoga are a few tools to help launch the process. Liberation comes when the love in our heart spills over into every aspect of our life.  Our existence begins to flow easily because we have chosen to release our concerns to a higher power.

The work: Take a deep inhale then exhale and repeat a few more times. Close your eyes and escape from a chaotic world. When you are ready, process your inner world by writing down some key points on what it means for YOU to be spiritually mature.

If this subject is interesting, the material has been taken from my book Conscious Love…7 Relationship Truths for a Modern World—Grab a copy and fully enjoy for yourself.

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of An Evolution

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