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Tis the Season for Truth…

Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Holidays offer a powerful up-lifting frequency.


As we get caught up in last-minute holiday preparations, it is important to stop a moment and reflect upon our lives. Maybe we aren’t feeling the BIG joy and peace of Christmas this year. Many of us may try too hard to make our outer lives look “Christmas Perfect” while inside we are emotionally struggling. I suggest that we stop, and ponder as we read this blog. You may just find that peace and joy are already deep within you; it is just covered up with last year’s Christmas tinsel. The truth is that Christmas: Peace on Earth Goodwill to Men has a frequency of 675 and we have access to this higher vibration by simply opening our hearts—playing loud Christmas music will also help.


Those of you who read my blogs know I am a fan of Dr. David R. Hawkins’ work and his map of consciousness. I try to emphasize that truth is something we all have access to, and Hawkins’ work has helped us better understand that higher levels of consciousness and good health are within our reach. The information below has been taken from his book Truth VS Falsehood…How to Tell the Difference.


Hawkins calibrated the following spiritual experiences as true and listed the higher frequencies associated with each experience: Christmas 675, Hanukkah 515, Durga Puja Festival 480, Passover 495, Christ Consciousness 1,000+, Near-death experiences 520+, Ramadan 495, Dickens' Christmas Carol 499, and the hymn, Amazing Grace 575. Yes, the higher the number, the greater the consciousness. If you practice Kinesiology or muscle testing (page 159 in Upside Down…the Rise of an Evolution book), you know how to stay grounded in truth. Being peacefully grounded can make a huge difference in your health and happiness.


Here are a few more truths mentioned in Hawkins’ book: Negative interference with acupuncture energy flow (energy blocks in your body) precedes physical illness, Kundalini energy shifts the brain physiology to higher levels of consciousness, reincarnation and karma are both real and true, your consciousness level is set at birth, the exact time of death is also karmically set at birth, and it is very important to wait three days before burial or cremation of the body after physical death. There are many more calibrated truths in his book, and I highly recommend reading it.


Truth is empowering. We must learn to live by our inner truths. The joy you think is missing in your life—isn’t missing at all. We must keep looking and feeling for those higher frequencies moments within ourselves. It is our birthright to know greater truths, but often we fail to have the encourage to explore our spiritual nature. The truth is we can’t evolve if our priority is not on spiritual growth. As we move into the New Year of 2024, try to seek your spiritual truths. Learn to make time for yourself as you head out on a spiritual quest to better understand a greater reality.


Discover the seasonal vibration and celebrate life.


Blessings and Love,

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Medical Medium






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Dean Gilbert
Dean Gilbert
22 dic 2023

Precise concise and written with copious love.

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