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True Guidance—Discover the Teacher

Updated: May 17

“Let us meditate on the shining Self, Changeless, underlying the world of change. And realized in the heart in samadhi…” The Upanishads

No matter our age or the sacred life journey we find ourselves upon, it is highly likely that we are searching for something more. We can’t help but search for a better place to live, more material abundance, a chance to make more money, and certainly, a better understanding of a world gone mad. Perhaps searching for the “greener grass” is just how we humans are programed. So, I asked Microsoft’s AI Copilot the question: How do I find a spiritual teacher to help me with my searching quests?

Copilot was happy to suggest the following: Ask for referrals, attend spiritual gatherings, use online resources, Sangha, and community. This might be a good time to stop and ask yourself a key question: What am I truly searching for? Is it spiritual guidance and the wisdom of an enlightened teacher or maybe to discover my owner inner GURU?

Manifesting in life is something we learn over the years and trust me, there is a REAL metaphysical formula for creating a karmic outcome. Unfortunately, instead of discovering the universal magic, we get stuck in our heads and rush out to hand our powers (dreams) over to anyone. It has been years since I have experienced the NEW AGE spiritual scene, but I noticed one thing—prices for a retreat, workshop or to hire a spiritual teacher have rapidly tripled since the late 90s. I guess spiritual teachers are now trending.

This trend is because people are quite indolent. When all the answers are within our own beingness, we still can’t be bothered. We don’t go within ourselves; instead, we search for the most popular teacher on the Internet to provide answers for us. Don’t get me wrong, for years I was the teacher offering retreats and workshops. And today, I still want to be of service; however, now I encourage people to STOP giving their power away and to go within. Psychically, the spirits often allow me to see the wisdom a person is seeking; however, I know better and believe enlightened teachers guide their students inward to discover their own truths. Most folks hate this daily method—it is frustrating because it takes too much time and effort to settle down, learn to meditate and connect with a higher spiritual source. We want someone to do it for us. UGH. But when our meditation time is finished, the reward for this consistent inner work is the ability to manifest miracles.

If we could just STOP for a moment to notice our world, we would see that life is happening without us having to do anything. Spiritual teachers and guides are around us all the time —nonphysical and physical. We just are too distracted worrying about our greener grass and miss the show. The real-life teacher was the cancer you manifested in your body. The angry, self-absorbed friend was certainly a true gift offering you a whopping life lesson. And what about the kind elderly woman who was trying to offer a little life advice, instead, you were disrespectful and couldn’t be bothered to listen. These are your teachers. If you really have a higher mission and need a spiritual guru to train with— trust me, a REAL karmically aligned teacher will manifest and find you. But until then, open your eyes and ears and notice the world around. The universe is always there and talking to you—it is the spiritual work that allows you to hear the sacred messages. Be grateful and know that everything you need is coming without you having to do much—just show up in the moment, stay conscious and share this wisdom with others.

Love and Blessings,

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD.

Author: Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution



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