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Understanding Dark Forces

Updated: Aug 29

 “Deliver us from evil.” Bible, Matthew 6:13.

 As world religions crumble, it is a good time to start seeking a more personal relationship with the Divine. This means to develop a strong inner connection with our higher Selves and the inspiration that comes from trusting an inner godly voice. Many of us openly identify with angels, spiritual teachers like Jesus Christ, Krishna, Buddha, and the powerful spiritual sacraments; however, might we also agree that dark forces do exist? This blog focuses on identifying the darkness that is around us all the time. The important question: Will we be spiritually supported when darkness comes calling?

We seldom acknowledge demons, dark entities or the idea of psychic attacks. Our TV shows and movies have demystified demons and evil on a more romantic and sexual nature, so we can feel a little better about the unseen darkness. Yet, at times, it is unnerving to think that there are demons living among us. And to make it more real—a negative entity may even live inside of you.

Basically, humans have a hard time comprehending the invisible battlefield of light and dark. Because of this, identifying dark forces in the world can be a complex and nuanced task, often involving both spiritual and practical perspectives. The more spiritually conscious we become, the more the invisible becomes visible. For most energy healers, the dark is as clear as the light. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

Spiritual Perspective

1.    Selling our souls. Selling our souls to the dark force means, we will do anything to get what we want—lie, cheat, steal and even make a deal with the devil or unsavoury characters. Selling our soul is subtle, usually unconsciously manifested, and may take years before we understand the full extent of our actions.

2.    Living in a lower vibration. Negativity, vindictiveness, blamefulness, evil, guilt, hatefulness, jealousy, physical abuse, and cruelty all drive lower frequencies onto the planet. When we gossip or use harsh words to speak poorly about a person, it is a force strong enough to be considered a psychic attack and now we have stepped into Satan’s den.

3.   Lack of spiritual guidance. Somehow we don’t feel that our spiritual lives matter; however, it keeps our behaviors in check. If we are kind and loving to others, read sacred literature, pray, and meditate daily, we come to understand the difference between peace and fear—light and dark; Universal Spiritual Laws may start to make more sense.

Practical Perspective

  1. Harmful Actions: Individuals or groups engaging in harmful, unethical, or destructive behaviors can be seen as influenced by dark forces. Example: An angery mob storming the USA Capitol, or the wars in the Middle East.

  2. Manipulation and Deceit: Be wary of those who manipulate or deceive others for personal gain or to cause harm. Example: Releasing the COVID virus then profiting from the mayhem that followed.

  3. Negative Environments: Certain environments or situations that consistently bring out the worst in people or lead to negative outcomes can be influenced by dark forces. Example: Hospitals—When someone undergoes surgery, a dark entity can slip into the body. Bars—In a drunken or drugged state (low frequency), the same thing can happen.

How to Respond

One of the first things healers learn is to protect ourselves from negative forces. Years ago, I remember sitting on the floor crossed legged when a force, out of nowhere, literally pushed me off the meditation cushion. After this experience, I understood the power of darkness. Now, I always say a protection prayer before all yoga classes, healings, meditations and basically, throughout the day, when I feel evil. Stay mindful and call on protection if your energy is ever bound in fear. Remember your inner godly light is a powerful defence against the dark. The following Bible verse will help:

Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but also with the angels, and with powers, with the rulers of this world of darkness, and with the evil spirits under the heavens. Wherefore put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to meet the evil one, and being prepared you shall prevail. Arise, therefore, gird your loins with truth, and put on the breastplate of righteousness; And have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Together with these, take for yourselves the shield of faith, for with it you shall be able to quench all the faming darts of the wicked. And put on the hemet of salvation and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: And pray always, with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and in that prayer be watchful at all times, praying constantly and supplicating for all the saints.…Ephesians 6:11-18. From The Modern New Testament from the Aramaic

We are living in a time where darkness wants to recruit us—please stay conscious. This is such a serious topic and one that doesn't get a lot of attention, so in case you have questions, I am available.

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD.

Medical Medium & Mystic

Author of Upside Down...The Rise of an Evolution

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