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What is a Spiritual Awakening?

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

In my latest book Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution, I often refer to an awakened state of consciousness. The “great awakening” is now upon us and that simply means that we have a chance to acknowledge a spiritual emersion. Every one of us leaves our homes in the spirit world, reincarnates, and from that moment on, seeks to know a greater connection with the Divine and that is why we unconsciously keep seeking an awakened state. I know most of you are saying, “Jyl, I am awake. I woke up this morning, had a cup of coffee and I am having a great day.” Yes, you woke up to the World of Perception or a world influenced by interpretations, not facts and now your Soul or higher Self wants to awaken and live in the World of Truth or the space of love and God. This may not mean anything to you now; however, soon it may.

Luckily, we are built with a higher spiritual essence within us and we eventually become aware of this force. The yogis call this the Kundalini energy (Holy Spirit) or a Kundalini Rising experience. For more information, I discuss this concept in the Afternoon Tea book. When our higher Selves determine it is time to awaken, the energy in the base of the spine/pelvis will begin to move. As this serpent-like energy moves up the spine, it may create a rumbling. We could call this the dark night of the soul or the preamble to an awakening. Our first awakening might begin around the age of 25-35 and it can be a time of deep depression, confusion, pain, suffering, addiction, heightened emotions, and fear. You may even have some mental confusion, suicidal thoughts, or psychic episodes. When this happens it is important to find a spiritual teacher, one who has gone through an awakening, and is able to support you on your journey.

As I wrote in a recent blog, the trend these days is to take a psychedelic drug to enhance an awakening or worst, take a class to learn how to activate the Kundalini—"Oh Boy—eek!". Nothing outside ourselves will ever be useful for an inside expansion of God. In fact, it can only be dangerous. Be smart and listen to your inner God voice—What, you don’t have one? Then it is time to sit, pray, contemplate, and reflect. Turn off your gadget because enlightenment can’t be found there. Learn to meditate.

Everyone will have at least one and probably more awakenings in a lifetime. I just turned 66 and I am totally going through another shift(rebirth). It is not quite like my first awakening at 25-35. which was a major enlightened journey. Unfortunately, many people will not know what to look for and some even call an awakening a disease, a divorce, childbirth, an accident, and the list goes on…In other words, our higher Selves will do everything it can to get our attention and it is not always pretty.

As we awaken, we grow and become our true Selves. It is our Divine Purpose to evolve our consciousness and merge with our higher spiritual Selves.

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