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Updated: Jul 20, 2023

I am always reading amazing books that I want to share with my clients; however in this blog, I introduce my latest book, Upside Down...the Rise of an Evolution. After reading this composite, if you are interested in reviewing the pdf just email me and I will happily forward it to you.This book will be published and available soon.

The inspiration for my latest book came when I found myself stranded in the United States during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak. The year 2020 will be sited throughout history as a time of major change or what some are referring to as the Great Awakening.

Great Awakening

“Most of the energy healers agreed that this was a grand opportunity to prepare ourselves and our clients for the ascension (evolution). We have left the frequency of what some are calling a third-density reality and moved into a more spiritually advance fourth-density consciousness. Trust these expansive shifts ahead to take us from ignorance to wisdom, hate to love, and fear to peace. It is a big deal and certainly a leap into higher levels of consciousness. If we can successfully make this jump, harmony will abound.”

The primary objective for this manuscript is to simply be an advocate for the evolution of our souls and the rebirth of Mother Earth. It is time to hold hands and together jump from the edge of our comfort zones. Universal Spiritual Laws have been added to aid our adventure into the unknown. These laws are timeless and have much to offer during this transformational and somewhat uncomfortable period in history.

Universal Spiritual Laws

Most people have heard of The Law of Attraction. The book and movie, The Secret. made this law come to life. However, The Law of Attraction is only one of the cosmic laws with so many more to acknowledge. Whether we know the laws or not, they vigorously linger in the background of our lives especially during the ascension. Many people are unaware that everything we see happening out in the world is linked to a spiritual law. During the lockdown period, I had the great fortune to read and study The Law of One books which I reference in the Upside Down book.

Metaphysical Wonders

“As we consider the growth aspect of a higher density planet, it will be important to examine areas in the upside-down world that are near and dear to us. More changes are coming.”

The moment has come to remember who we are and why we are here yet, will we? Do the masses want to know a greater turth about what is going on in this current upside-down world? Do people have the courage to pursue a grander reality?


As we accept this powerful shift in consciousness, perhaps there is room for nobler inner truths, ones that will empower us to understand how an evolution works for our greatest good. With time, many of us will wake up and start to see what is truly going on. Once we accept that our souls have created this moment in history and everything that is happening is in line with a divine plan or The Law of Order, we will be on our way. Stubbornness is senseless and regrets over past events shall soon fade away.

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2 comentarios

12 may 2023

Check out Upside Down - the Rise of an evolution - great book

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15 jun 2022

Looking forward to the book publishing

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