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Winter Health

Updated: Jan 23

Sunshine Meditation for the Cold Weather Blues...

I recently returned from Florida, USA (the sunshine state) to colder weather: snow, drizzle and limited sun. This cooler weather confirms that winter is upon us in most areas of the world, especially in Europe. Many of us believe when cold weather hits there’s a good chance to catch a bacteria or flu virus and this belief can/will manifest the sniffles.

The cold weather months won’t make us sick. Our bodies are designed to co-exist with all kinds of bacteria and viruses. However, stressful emotions and our minds create the perfect environment for a sick body. This is why when a house full of people start to come down with the cold & flu, it is because their bodies are being influenced by the mind to unconsciously go along with the herd mentality and correspondingly get sick—call it sympathy pain for others. Having sympathy pains may favorably work for some people who are unintentionally looking for a timeout to refuel from their hectic lives.


A higher Truth is that the body cannot make itself sick. It is the mind that oversees our daily affairs: health, love life, accidents, chance meetings, happiness, immune system health, spiritual growth, miracles—or lack of, and emotional upheavals. In other words, our entire lives are being undermined by the mind. When I ask clients to step into the peace and calm of an inner awareness by meditating, it is as if I am asking them to jump off a cliff. In a way, I am. A radical change is needed to make people realize that their inner chaotic lives are influencing an unhealthy outer worldly presence.


In honesty, the core reason for the winter blues comes from feeling cut off from your inner sunshine (source energy or GOD) and I have the perfect meditation to help you stay healthy and happy this season.




Before beginning this exercise, say a favorite prayer and light a white candle.


Start by closing your eyes to connect with an inner awareness. Call this awareness your inner home and let the spirit world guide you toward a deeper experience. The goal of meditation is to sit comfortably, close your eyes, gaze upward toward the forehead and relax into your breath—deep inhales and long relaxing exhales. To begin the meditation, bring a white light into your awareness and let it flow throughout the body. When every cell has been nourished by this spiritual light, start counting from 1-10. As you count, feel yourself being drawn down into the underworld. Once you get to 10, see an imaginary door and walk through it. Notice a pond and walk, skip, or run to the water. When you get to the pond, angels will greet you and help you into the ambrosia (immortality), milky white, bubbling water—a healing jacuzzi. Let this be a new happy place where the sun always shines, and beautiful flowers grow—no more winter blues. Stay in the water until you feel fully healed and balanced. When you are ready, let the angels help you out of the pond and head back to the door. Count from 1-10 and open your eyes.


This meditation is such a great way to give the mind a break from challenging careers, holiday demands, health concerns, and family stresses. Clearing your mind with meditation allows the body to stay healthy all on its own. Bodies don’t get sick—they don’t break. However, the crazy worlds created by our Minds are guaranteed to make our bodies struggle. Please learn to balance yourself by taking time to meditate. Learn to travel to an inner world of endless peace, happiness, and sunshine.


Blessing for the holidays,

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PhD

Medical Medium



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