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Wrong Place, Right Time—Halloween

Updated: May 15

Have you ever found yourself in the wrong place at the right time? Maybe you are now experiencing a situation that you silently pondered for years—"walk-in" or the possessed person.


When this kinda of crazy happens, the spirits direct me to write. In Upside Down…The Rise of An Evolution I explored the Law of One which was channeled by a sixth density entity in the 1980s. The channeling was observed and recorded by a group of three, highly evolved souls. What stood out in the Law of One was that extraterrestrials (ETs) have been available for a very long time to teach and shift our 3D vibrations. so we can start to evolve to higher states of consciousness. (I was personally exposed to this in the late 80s in California.) As I was researching this Law, negative, service-to-self ETs caught my attention. So, I take time in the book to break down the service-to-self and service-to-other entities, so that we can be wise in the future to know the difference. Little did I know, that years later I would be reconnecting in real time (Halloween eve) on this exact topic—service-to-self.

Briefly, I want to mention that recently I had the privilege to be interviewed by a researcher from the state of Oregon. The science addressed psychics, mediums, healers, and channelers’ gifts and how to better understand this level of consciousness. I participated in the project until I was asked to channel/possess an entity. I felt to do this meant going into the astral or possibly other realms that translated to “unsafe” territory. I work only with the Omnipresence or Causal Realm because well, you never know what type of energy is going to show up otherwise. My past experiences have revealed that negative entities or service-to-self beings may not offer the true enlightened experience.

Fast forward and the reason for this blog is because I got to witness (wrong place, right time) a service-to-self entity. It took me a moment, but when I had this revelation, I immediately felt it was important to share.

HALLOWEEN EVE EVENT: As I witnessed this service-to-self entity, instead of feeling a high spiritual vibe, I just felt a slight energy shift—the guy was definitely channeling, but the energy was a low frequency. The entity was not evil or dark, and the message offered seemed sincere and believable—yet, not believable to me. Like most people who do mediumship work, this guy used his near death experience to allow an entity (ET) to freely possess his body. The red flag was that the possessed man could not tell us anything about the entity he was hosting. This might be entertaining, but at some level the nonspiritual payoff is trusting that information shared is indeed trustworthy and sound; not limited and possibly detrimental. I want all of you to become aware of what to look out for, so you don’t fall prey to the service-to-self beings. Save your money and certainly do not let a service-to-self entity into your life force. They can’t heal you, but they can hook into your energy in a harmful way.

Service-to-Self Beings:

1. The entity I was witnessing was boastful. One of the first things out of his mouth was that he was going to become so famous that thousands of people would flock to pay greatly to see him—and he meant it. Master teachers and healers are the humblest people on this planet and we have learned the hard way (from other lives) that fame and riches are a very low frequency. So this was an immediate red flag.

2. Right up front the entity said that he can heal you, but the pain might come back and this is because you, the person getting healed, haven’t addressed the real problem. I will tell you right now, all the advance souls I have ever sat with have never said something so ridiculous—you are either a healer who transmutes energy or not.

3. During the event, the idea of Karma was totally discounted. The entity said that karma was negative so who needs to discuss it— Ugh. Karma can be addressed as both good and bad, but mystics will agree that if you don’t deal with them, you will never get to the Causal Realm (Enlightenment)—end of story. If you don’t deal with your lessons, contract, and karma; you will turn around and come right back into the (3D) experience to right your wrongs and finish the work.

4. When I heard the service-to-self entity say to forget meditation that confirmed, I was not in the company of a MASTER and at this point, I really wanted to leave the event.

We humans tend to sway toward the "easy way out" by not doing the necessary spiritual work. Someone may say, “Hey, if an entity is going to shift my past life pain and save me from doing this work, hell why not.” I can tell you spiritually, it doesn’t work this way. We must do the work ourselves (with the help of God, of course). You can cheat and think this is going to get you further along the spiritual path, but please don’t. Put down the cocktails, drugs, and other distractions and sit in meditation. Learn to be consciously aware of each moment of every day and deal with the karma that is presented. Your version of bad karma might be the uncomfortable emotions that surfaces, but these are powerful pieces of your life puzzle. Good karma may come when a person tells you to go ahead of them in line, just because they want to be nice to you. Today stay safe and know that traditional, old-school wisdom trumps the service-to-self entities and all the party tricks.

A positive take away from this blog is that the more conscious conversations we can have as a metaphysical community, the quicker the shifts and ETs will be influenced to provide only positive, service-to-others type of support.

Love and Blessings,

Jyl Auxter-Kern, PHD

Medical Medium

Author of Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution

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