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Yoga Healing Story

Updated: Aug 23, 2023

I have been teaching yoga for over 40 years and what a blessing. A while back, I took a leave from teaching classes, but I am now ready to go. I am and will always be a teacher and I wholeheartedly, believe in the power of the practice.

I have seen the miracles of yoga. Some individuals have lost a lot of weight and healed their bodies of a major disease. Others have left harmful relationships, moved to another country, or changed careers. For me, the minute I step onto the mat, miracles begins. By miracles I mean, I will remember something important that I was about to forget, have a aha life moment or feel the love from the spirit world as it envelops me. From time to time, as I move from one asana to the next, I may even have a surprise guest from the spirit world delivering an important message or a downloaded chapter for my next book.

I currently do not follow the teachings of any Guru (Don't Look for the Guru, Find the Guru Within.), but there is one teacher who I love like a sister, and want to support her up until she leaves this planet. Guru Rattana is 79 years young and is the embodiment of yoga. All her years on the sticky mat has served her well and she still maintains a youthful glow from yesteryears. Consciousness is her story, and her Zoom classes are full with students who understand her non-dual teachings. She is a woman in service and a true mentor.

When yogis, spiritual teachers, and healers have done the WORK to develop a strong love for GOD and experience higher consciousness shifts (non-dual), incredible things can occur for their students. The other day was an example of a powerful healing transformation. We often think we need to be in-person and in a yoga studio to feel the magic of our yoga movements, but I am here to tell you—think again.


Kundalini Zoom Workshop: The satsang (spiritual discussion) had just completed and there was a short warm-up before the kriya (exercise) started. All of a sudden, my left arm/shoulder/mid back contracted and ceased up. The pain that followed took my breath away.

Back in the day, while I was doing an Ashtanga class, a similar thing happened. My knee popped out of the joint, and I had to stop, and put it back in order to continue the class. I will share that my knee pain was nothing compared to this arm/back—fourth chakra realignment. This painful experience (edge) is what yoga is really about—healing the inner wounds we unconsciously carry around in our bodies. Remember the power of yoga…it is not about stretching; it is about healing our bodies and encouraging Self-enlightenment.

This was my email back to the teacher describing what happened during her class:

Guru Rattana,

OUCH. There was a moment when I thought I would have to leave the session. Some incredible pain was inflicted upon my left arm and I could barely move (breathe) the pain was so great, I took the first exercise to the mat, flat on my back—the only place I could deal with the physical distress.

I started to pray, “God, please help me to understand the core issue behind this pain.” As I laid helpless on the mat, I continued deep breathing and whistling (part of the set), my body started to relax and I saw psychically (in my third eye) three large hares (rabbits)—the same three hares I had seen in the park only hours earlier. In my mind’s eye, the hares formed a triangle and as I continued to breathe, I could see that the hares represented (visionally changed in appearance) my sister, my mother and me. In the middle of the triangle there was a hurricane of white light (God) and as I prayed for the pain to go away and to heal my relationship with my sister and mother, the triangle merged with the hurricane of whiteness—the non- dual. The pain stopped immediately. By this time, a vision came of my mother, sister and I all holding hands in love. This all happened just in time for the 2nd exercise. The spirit spoke and told me that I was not only healing my ancestral family relationships, but relationships for all mothers and sisters throughout this planet.

Side note: Ever since I can remember, the spirit world sends me three symbols (usually animals) to indicate a warning to pay attention. If you have read Upside Down…The Rise of an Evolution, the warning of COVID and other changes came on the wings of three wooden neck storks who had landed on my front porch railing.

Remember: We use yoga to clear our Samskaras, or psychological wounds. Yoga isn't stretching, it is a technology used for the evolution of our souls and healing (detoxing) our bodies.

Sat Nam.

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